Technology | Reference | 1921 | American Technical Society | Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity | “A General Reference Work on Direct-Current Generators And Motors, Alternating-Current Machinery, Armature Winding, Storage Batteries, Interior Electric Wiring, Electric Lighting, Meters, Industrial Controllers, Electric Railways, Railway Signaling And Car Lighting, Power Stations, Switchboards, Transmission And Distribution Systems, Electrochemistry, Welding, Etc.” |
Technology | Reference | 1967, 1963 | Amerongen, C. van | The Way Things Work Volume One | “An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Technology” |
Technology | Reference | 1971, 1967 | Amerongen, C. van | The Way Things Work Volume Two | “A New Companion Volume To The Best-Selling Illustrated Encyclopedia Of Modern Technology” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi H.; Arpaci-Dusseau, Andrea C. | Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces | “a deeper understanding and appreciation of modern OSes” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1996 | Bailey, James | After Thought | “The Computer Challenge To Human Intelligence” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Baron, Gerald R. | Now Is Too Late | “Survival in an Era of Instant News” *signed |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1998 | Beckman, John | The Virtual Dimension | “Architecture, Representation, and Crash Culture” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2009 | Belfiore, Michael P. | The Department of Mad Scientists | “How DARPA* Is Remaking Our World, from the Internet to Artificial Limbs *defense advanced research projects agency” |
Technology | Sociology | 1973 | Bell, Daniel | The Coming of Post-Industrial Society | “A Venture In Social Forecasting” |
Technology | Sociology | 2008 | Boellstorff, Tom | Coming Of Age In Second Life | “An Anthropologist Explores the Virtually Human” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2018 | Boyle, Kip | Fire Doesn't Innovate | “The Executive's Practical Guide To Thriving In The Face Of Evolving Cyber Risks” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Brand, Stuart | How Buildings Learn | “What happens after they're built” |
Technology | Biographies | 2004 | Brende, Eric | Better Off | “Flipping the Switch on Technology” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2012, 2003 | Brighton, Henry & Howard Selina | Introducing Artificial Intelligence | "A Graphic Guide" |
Technology | Reference | 2012 | Chaline, Eric | Fifty Machines that Changed the Course of History | Photographs and explanations |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2021 | Cogan, Laura | Zyzzyva, Vol. XXXVII No.1 | “The Technology Issue” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1969 | Curtis, Richard and Elizabeth Hogan | Perils of the Peaceful Atom | “The Myth Of Safe Nuclear Power Plants” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2023, 2015 | Darnall, Damon | Drone FAA 107 License, Study Guide | ““The Drone Boss”, Everything You Need To Know To Pass Your 107 Test The 1st Time” |
Technology | Sociology | 1998, 1997 | Denning, Peter J., Metcalfe, Robert M. | Beyond Calculation | “The Next Fifty Years Of Computing” |
Technology | Sociology | 1996 | Dery, Mark | Escape Velocity | “Cyberculture at the End of the Century” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Easley, David; Kleinberg, Jon | Networks, Crowds, and Markets | “Reasoning about a Highly Connected World” |
Technology | Reference | 1924 | Editorial Staff, International Correspondence Schools | Beams, Columns, and Roof Trusses | “Geometry And Mensuration Electric Wiring And Bellwork Design Of Beams Design Of Columns Design Of Roof Trusses” |
Technology | Reference | 1924 | Editorial Staff, International Correspondence Schools | Plumbing and Gas Fitting | “Plumbing Supplies Plumbing Fixtures House Drainage Water Supply To Buildings Gas Fitting” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1952, 1947 | Faires, Virgil Moring | Applied Thermodynamics | “covers in elementary fashion the theories of thermodynamics involved in engineering problems” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2009 | Grover, Chris | Google SketchUp | “The Missing Manual” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1995 | Gates, Bill With Nathan Myhrvold And Peter Rinearson | The Road Ahead | “bird's-eye view of the undiscovered territory on the information high-way” |
Technology | Reference | 2004 | Harrison, Ian | The Book of Inventions | “How'd They Come Up With That?” |
Technology | Reference | 1990 | Hawkes, Nigel | How In The World? | “A Fascinating Journey Through the World of Human Ingenuity” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2011 | Hesse-Biber, Sharlene Nagy | The Handbook of Emergent Technologies in Social Research | “pushing the boundaries of how both qualitative and quantitative researchers practice their craft” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1985 | James, M. L.; Smith, G. M.; Wolford, J. C. | Applied Numerical Methods For Digital Computation | “Complimentary Professional Copy” |
Technology | Biography | 2015 | Isaacson, Walter | Steve Jobs | “roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of the cofounder of Apple” |
Technology | Sociology | 2014 | Johnson, Steven | How We Got to Now | “Six Innovations that Made the Modern World” |
Technology | Biography | 2008 | Kahney, Leander | Inside Steve's Brain | "It's hard to believe that one man revolutionized computers in the 1970s and '80s (with the Apple II and the Mac), animated movies in the 1990s (with Pixar), and digital music in the 2000s (with the iPod and iTunes). |
Technology | Sociology | 2012 | Keen, Andrew | Digital Vertigo | “How Today's Online Social Revolution Is Dividing, Diminishing, And Disorienting Us” |
Technology | Fiction | 1999 | Kurzweil, Ray | The Age Of Spiritual Machines | “When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2014, 2008 | Lannon, John M.; Gurak, Laura J. | Technical Communication | |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1989 | Lederman, Leon M.; Schramm, David N. | From Quarks to the Cosmos | “Tools of Discovery” |
Technology | Fiction | 2021 | Lee, Kai-Fu and Chen Qiufan | AI 2041 | “Ten Visions For Our Future” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2021 | Mccoy, Bob | Holistic Home Office | “story about building your family owned and operated free enterprise and using a combination of commercial and free and open source technology” |
Technology | Sociology | 1993, 1992 | McKibben, Bill | The Age of Missing Information | “exploration of exology and the media” |
Technology | Sociology | 2020 | McNeil, Joanne | Lurking | “How a Person Became a User” |
Technology | Sociology | 2000, 1999 | Mitchell, William John | e-topia | ““Urban Life, Jim-But Not As We Know It”” |
Technology | Autobiography | 2017 | Nadella, Satya with Greg Shaw and Jill Tracie Nichols | Hit Refresh | “Our The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone” |
Technology | Sociology | 2015 | Palfrey, John | Biblio TECH | “Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google” |
Technology | Sociology | 2008 | Palfrey, John and Urs Gasser | Born Digital | “Understanding The First Generation Of Digital Natives” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2020 | Patti, Keaton | I Forced A Bot To Write This Book | “A.I. Meets B.S.” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2012 | Poundstone, William | Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? | “Trick Questions, Zen-like Riddles, Insanely Difficult Puzzles, and Other Devious Interviewing Techniques You Need to Know to get a Job Anywhere in the New Economy” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1932 | Schmidt, Robert | Porcelain | “As An Art And A Mirror Of Fashion” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2015 | Schneier, Bruce | Data And Goliath | “The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2020 | Scott, Kevin with Greg Shaw | Reprogramming The American Dream | “From Rural American To Silicon Valley-Making AI Serve Us All” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2004 | Sedig, Kjell | Swedish Innovations | “back to the days of Sweden's “Universal Geniuses” and their discoveries and inventions” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1958, 1957 | Singer, Charles; Holymyard, E. J.; Hall, A. R. and Trevor I. Williams | A History Of Technology, Volume III | “From The Renaissance To The Industrial Revolution c1500-c1750” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1958 | Singer, Charles; Holymyard, E. J.; Hall, A. R. and Trevor I. Williams | A History Of Technology, Volume IV | “The Industrial Revolution c1750 To c1850” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1959, 1958 | Singer, Charles; Holymyard, E. J.; Hall, A. R. and Trevor I. Williams | A History Of Technology, Volume V | “The Late Nineteenth Century c1850 To c1900” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2018, 2017 | Stephens-Davidowitz, Seth | Everybody Lies | “Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are” |
Technology | Reference | 2001 | Trefil, James | Encyclopedia of Science and Technology | |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Valente, Thomas W. | Social Networks and Health | “Models, Methods, and Applications” |
Technology | Biography | 1992, 1991 | Wallace, James & Jim Erickson | Hard Drive | “Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 2001 | Wang, Wallace | Steal This Computer Book 2 | “What They Won't Tell You About The Internet” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1995, 1994 | Wasko, Janet | Hollywood in the Information Age | “Beyond the Silver Screen” |
Technology | Reference | 2005 | Woodford, Chris and Luke Collins, Clint Witchalls, Ben Morgan, James Flint | Cool Stuff | “And How It Works” |
Technology | Non-Fiction | 1952, 1925 | Woodruff, L. F. | Principles Of Electric Power Transmission | “text-book for Senior and Graduate students in Electrical Engineering” |
Transportation | History | 2014 | Gilbert, Jonathan | Trains, A Complete History | “A Model-Making and Collector's Book In One” |
Transportation | History | 1987 | Lorie, Peter & Colin Garratt | Ironhorse | “Steam Trains Of The World” |
Transportation | History | 1964 | Snell, J.B. | Early Railways | “Pleasures and Treasures” |
Transportation | Reference | 1998 | Garratt, Colin and Max Wade-Matthews | The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Steam & Rail | |
Transportation | Reference | 1977, 1979 | Chapman, Charles F. | Piloting | Seamanship and Small Boat Handling |
Transportation | Reference | 1987 | Maloney, Elbert S. | Piloting | Seamanship and Small Boat Handling |
Transportation | History | 1987 | Bonsall, Thomas E. | Titanic | |
Transportation | Reference | 1998 | Brewster, Hugh and Laurie Coulter | 882 1/2 Amazing Answers to your Questions about the Titanic | “Why was it called unsinkable? Did someone predict the disaster? Why weren't there enough lifeboats? Was there a real Jack Dawson? What happened to the dogs on board? Why are there 882 1/2 answers? (See inside!)” |
Transportation | History | 1992 | Lynch, Don and Ken Marschall | Titanic – An Illustrated History | |
Transportation | History | 1997 | Wels, Susan | Titanic | “Legacy of the World's Greatest Ocean Liner” |
Transportation | Reference | 2004 | Weber, Louis | History of the American Auto | “By the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide” |
Transportation | Biography | 1998 | Berg, A. Scott | Lindbergh | Life of Pilot, First to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a plane |
Transportation | Biography | 2002, 2001 | Hardesy, Von | Lindbergh, Flight's Enigmatic Hero | First to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a plane |
Transportation | History | 1991 | Bauer, Eugene E. | Boeing in Peace & War | Airplane transportation company and society |
Transportation | Reference | 1989, 1983 | Redding, Robert & Yenne, Bill | Boeing | “Planemaker To The World” |
Transportation | Autobiography | 2006 | Sutter, Joe with Jay Spenser | 747 | “Creating The World's First Jumbo Jet And Other Adventure From A Life In Aviation” |
Transportation | Autobiography | 2014 | Wallick, Rebecca | Growing Up Boeing | “The Early Jet Age Through the Eyes of a Test Pilot's Daughter |
Transportation | Reference | 1969, 1968 | Taylor, John W. R. F.R.Hist.S., A.M.S.L.A.E.T., A.R.Ae S. | Jane's All The World's Aircraft | Founded by Fred T Jane in 1909 |
Transportation | History | 1965, 1910 | Twentieth Century-Fox Productions Ltd. | Aeronautical Gazette Illustrated, Special Souvenir Edition 1910 | “Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines” |
Transportation | History | 1993 | Arnold, H. J. P. | Man in Space | “An Illustrated History Of Spaceflight |