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Religious books are in the Fon Hoy Look Meditation Room

Spirituality Sociology 1984 Adler, Mortimer Jerome A Vision of the Future “Twelve Ideas for a Better Life and a Better Society”
Spirituality Collection 2009 Alexander, Jane The Body, Mind, Spirit Miscellany “The Ultimate Collection of Fascinations, Facts, Truths, and Insights”
Spirituality Stories 1997 Allenbaugh, Kay Chocolate for a Woman's Soul “77 Stories to Feed Your Spirit and Warm Your Heart”
Spirituality Sociology 1975, 1974 Bach, Dr. George R. and Dr. Herb Goldberg Creative Aggression “The Art of Assertive Living”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1996, 1987 Bailey, Karen Irish Proverbs “Illustrated By Karen Bailey”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2003 Bauer, Susan Wise The Well-Educated Mind “A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2006 Beak, Sera The Red Book “A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Igniting Your Divine Spark”
Spirituality Autobiography 2011, 2010 Boyle, Gregory Tattoos on the Heart “The Power of Boundless Compassion”
Spirituality Sociology 2004 Brooks, David On Paradise Drive “How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense”
Spirituality Sociology 2016, 2015 Brooks, David The Road to Character “focuses on the deeper values that should inform our lives”
Spirituality Sociology 2012, 2011 Brooks, David The Social Animal “The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement”
Spirituality Sociology 2015 Brotherton, Rob Suspicious Minds “Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories”
Spirituality Sociology 2015, 1997 Brott, Armin A. The New Father “A Dad's Guide To The First Year”
Spirituality Sociology 2002 Brown, Juanita and the World Café Community The World Café “A Resource Guide, for Hosting Conversations That Matter”
Spirituality Sociology 2005 Brown, Juanita with David Isaacs and the World Café Community The World Café “Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter”
Spirituality Sociology 2008 Butterfield, Richard It's Showtime! “Butterfield Speaks on The Power of Persuasion”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2006 Byrne, Rhonda The Secret “You hold in your hands a Great Secret... It has been passed down through the ages, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money.”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1996, 1992 Cameron, Julia The Artist's Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity “A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2009 Carkhuff, Robert R.; Berenson, Bernard G.; Tamagini, Jeanette The Heart of Empathy Guide with examples and activities
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2007 Castle, Victoria The Trance of Scarcity “Stop Holding Your Breath and Start Living Your Life”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1997 Chapin, Alice Reaching Back “A workbook for recording your life's most meaningful moments to share with future generations”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1991, 1976 Colgrove, Melba PH.D.; Bloomfield, Harold H. M.D. & Peter McWilliams How to Survive the Loss of a Love “helpful book on the subject of loss”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2012 Collins, Loren Bullspotting “Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation”
Spirituality Sociology 2001, 1996 Comte-SPoonville, André A Small Treatise on the Great Virtures “The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1989, 2004 Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People “Powerful Lessons in Personal Change”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2003 Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People “Personal Workbook”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1994 Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger; Merrill, Rebecca R. First Things First “To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1998 Crichton, Jennifer Family Reunion “Everything You Need to Know to Plan Unforgettable Get-Togethers”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1993, 1992 Dyer, Dr. Wayne W. Real Magic “Creating Miracles in Everyday Life”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2014 Eller, Jae Stop & Think “Creating New Awareness”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1996, 1993 Farrell, Warren, Ph.D. The Myth of Male Power “non-dogmatic approach to the relationship between men and women - one that questions the victim/opressor mindset”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1982, 1978 Gawain, Shakti Creative Visualization “Use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life.”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2007 Gerard, Jim Who Moved My Secret “The Ancient Wisdom That Tells You It's Okay to Be Greedy”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2021 Gilbert, Christopher PhD The Noble Edge “Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time”
Spirituality Sociology 2007, 2005 Gladwell, Malcolm blink “The Power of Thinking Without Thinking”
Spirituality Sociology 2010 Grayling, A.C. Ideas That Matter “The Concepts that Shape the 21st Century, An Opinionated Guide”
Spirituality Sociology 2022 Guidara, Will Unreasonable Hospitality “The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect”
Spirituality History 2017, 2015 Harari, Yuval Noah Homo Deus “A Brief History of Tomorrow”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2004 Hastings, Richard Dreams for Peace “How the World of Dreams Can Lead Us to World Peace”
Spirituality Sociology 1999 Hicks, Dr. Rick and Kathy Boomers, Xers, and Other Strangers “Understanding the Generational Differences That Divide Us”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1961 Hospers, John Human conduct “An Introduction To The Problems of Ethics”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1978 Howard, Jane Families “informal visits to many dozens of families”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2017 Jacob, Alan How To Think “A Survival Guide for a World at Odds”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1981, 1979 Jampolsky, Gerald G., M.D. Love Is Letting Go Of Fear “let go of our obsession with the past and the future”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1998 Johnson, Spencer, M.D. Who Moved My Cheese? “An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1963 Kaplan, Philip Posers “80 Delightful Hurdles for Reasonably Agile Minds”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2000, 1991 Katherine, Anne, M. A. Boundaries “Where You End and I Begin”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1977 Kauz, Herman The Martial Spirit “an introduction to the origin, philosophy, and psychology of the martial arts”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2008, 2007 Kenneall, Christine The First Word “The Search for the Origins of Language”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2014 Kielburger, Craig and Kielburger, Marc The Power Of We Day “the movement of our time”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2014 Kondo, Marie the life-changing magic of tidying up “the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2007 Kranz, Garry Communicating Effectively “Write, Speak, and Present with Authority”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1959, 1942 Langer, Susanne K. Philosophy in a New Key “A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2003 Law, Stephen The Philosophy Gym “25 Short Adventures In Thinking”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2005, 2004 Lesser, Elizabeth Broken Open “How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2015 Link, Rory The Theory and Practice of Joy “A translation of life”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1988, 1979 Lovelock, James E. Gaia “A new look at life on Earth”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1980 Lowen, Alexander, M.D. Fear Of Life “A practicing therapist's analysis of the forces that limit our capacity for a rich and joyous life, and the ways to a personal growth and fulfillment”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1970, 1967 Maltz, Maxwell, M.D. Creative Living for Today “applies Psycho-Cybernetics to this inspiring guide”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1997 Marcic, Dorothy Managing with the Wisdom of Love “Uncovering Virtue in People and Organizations”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1989, 1983 Martin, Judith Miss Manners'® Guide for the Turn-of-the-Millenium
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1996 McCannon, Tricia Dialogues with the Angels “A masterpiece of the soul!”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1996 McFarlane, Evelyn & James Saywell If²... “(500 New Questions for the Game of Life)”
Spirituality Sociology 1967 McLuhan, Marshall; Fiore, Quentin The Medium is the Massage “An Inventory of Effects”
Spirituality Sociology 2002 Merrifield, John School Choices “True and False”
Spirituality Sociology 2001 Miller, Daniel The Dialectics of Shopping “Going shopping is generally considered to be one of the most enjoyable experiences in life. But in reality, it can often be complicated and even frustrating.”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2010 Monsen, Avery and Jory John All my friends are dead. “the amusing existential predicaments of clowns, casette tapes, dinosaurs, zombies, snowmen, houseplants, and others as they each face the inevitable.”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2007, 2006 Morenson, Greg and David Oliver Relin Three Cups of Tea “One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time”
Spirituality Sociology 1989, 1983 O'Rourke, P.J. Modern Manners “An Etiquette Book for Rude People”
Spirituality Sociology 1990 Osmen, Sarah Ann Sacred Places “A Journey Into The Holiest Lands”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1993, 1991 Parry, Danaan Warriors Of The Heart “A Handbook For Conflict Resolution”
Spirituality Sociology 2011 Pinker, Steven The Better Angels Of Our Nature “Why Violence Has Declined”
Spirituality Sociology 2002 Pinker, Steven The Blank Slate “The Modern Denial Of Human Nature”
Spirituality Sociology 2018 Pinker, Steven Enlightenment Now “The Case For Reason, Science, Humanism, And Progress”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1997 Popov, Linda Kavelin with Dan Popov, Ph. D., and John Kavelin The Family Virtues Guide “Simple Ways to Bring Out the Best in Our Children and Ourselves”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2012 Popov, Linda Kavelin Graceful Endings “Navigating the Journey of Loss and Grief”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2004 Popov, Linda Kavelin A Pace Of Grace “The Virtues of a Sustainable Life”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2000 Popov, Linda Kavelin The Virtues Project, Educator's Guide “Simple Ways to Create a Culture of Character”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2018, 2017 Pradervand, Pierre 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World “Really living one's spirituality in everyday life”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1999, 1985 Pryor, Karen Don't Shoot The Dog! “The New Art Of Teaching And Training”
Spirituality Sociology 2016, 2015 Quartz, Steven and Anette Asp Cool “How The Brain's Hidden Quest For Cool Drives Our Economy And Shapes Our World”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2008, 2007 Real, Terrence The New Rules of Marriage “What You Need to Know to Make Love Work”
Spirituality Sociology 2021 Ripley, Amanda High Conflict “Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2014 Rockefeller, Barbara & Nick J. Tate Da Vinci's Baby Boomer Survival Guide “Live, Prosper, and Thrive in Your Retirement”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2016 Rubin, Jordan Planet Heal Thyself “The Revolution of Regeneration in Body, Mind, and Planet”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2013, 2001 Ruiz, Don Miguel with Janet Mills The Circle of Fire “Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2018 Ruiz, Don Miguel The Three Questions “How to Discover and Master the Power Within You”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2015, 2013 Ruiz, Jr., Don Miguel The Five Levels Of Attachment “Toltec Wisdom For The Modern World”
Spirituality Sociology 2007, 2004 Ruthven, Malise Fundamentalism “A Very Short Introduction”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2019 Schwarz, Kyle i wish for change “Unleashing The Power Of Kids To Make A Difference”
Spirituality Sociology 2002 Scully, Matthew Dominion “The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy”
Spirituality Sociology 2004 Senge, Peter; Scharmer, C. Otto; Jaworski, Joseph; Flowers, Betty Sue Presence “Human Purpose And The Field Of The Future”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1979 Sher, Barbara with Annie Gottlieb Wishcraft, How to Get What You Really Want “A Unique, Step-By-Step Plan To Pinpoint Youg Goals And Make Your Dreams Come True”
Spirituality Sociology 1997 Simon, Caroline Joyce The Disciplined Heart “Love, Destiny & Imagination”
Spirituality Sociology 2007, 1999 Smith, Linda Tuhiwai Decolonizing Methodologies “Research and Indigenous Peoples”
Spirituality Sociology 1993, 1992 Steinem, Gloria Revolution From Within “A Book of Self-Esteem”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2011 Stewart, Alexis; Hutt, Jennifer Koppelman Whateverland “Learning to Live Here”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1946 Stimpson, George A Book About A Thousand Things Inquiries and responses
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2006 Stossel, John Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity “Get Out the Shovel- Why Everything You Know Is Wrong”
Spirituality Sociology 1992, 1986 Tannen, Deborah, Ph. D. That's Not What I Meant! “How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships”
Spirituality Sociology 1971, 1970 Toffler, Alvin Future Shock “what is happening today to people and groups who are overwhelmed by change.
Spirituality Sociology 1991, 1990 Toffler, Alvin Power Shift “Knowledge, Wealth, And Violence At The Edge Of The 21st Century”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2014 Welsh, Claudia Yosemite Meditations for Adventures “collection of stirring quotations and spectacular landscape photography”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2005 Winfrey, Oprah Live Your Best Life “A Treasury of Wisdom, Wit, Advice, Interviews and Inspiration from O, The Oprah Magazine”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2014 Winfrey, Oprah What I Know For Sure “about all the lessons I've struggled with, cried over, run from, circled back to, made peace with, laughed about, and at long last come to know for sure”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1991 Savage, Anne and Nicholas Watson Anchoritic Spirituality “Ancrene Wisse And Associated Works”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2000 Boenig, Robert Anglo-Saxon Spirituality “Selected Writings”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1984 Clark, Mary T. Augustine of Hippo “Selected Writings”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1978 Cousins, Ewert Bonaventure “The Soul's Journey Into God - The Tree Of Life - The Life Of St. Francis”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2004 Taliaferro, Charles and Alison J. Teply Cambridge Platonist Spirituality “a comprehensive, integrated, tolerant Christian spirituality.”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1997 Martin, Dennis D. Carthusian Spirituality “The Writings Of Hugh Of Balma And Guigo De Ponte”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1978 Malherbe, Abraham and Everett Fergusun Gregory of Nyssa “The Life Of Moses”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1998 McGuire, Brian Patrick Jean Gerson “Early Works”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1978 Colledge, Edmund and James Walsh Julian of Norwich “Showings”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2004 Renard, John Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism “Foundations Of Islamic Mystical Theology”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2007 Krey, Philip D. W. and Peter D. S. Krey Luther's Spirituality “critique of the late-medieval spiritualities that he inhereted and his various constructive proposals.”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1986 McGinn, Bernard Meister Eckhart “Teacher And Preacher”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1979 Tooker, Elisabeth Native North American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands “Sacred Myths, Dreams, Visions, Speeches, Healing Formulas, Rituals And Ceremonials”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1997 Bond, H. Lawrence Nicholas of Cusa “Selected Spiritual Writings”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1979 Greer, Rowan A. Origen “An Exhortation To Martyrdom, Prayer And Selected Works”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 2002 Rubenstein, Jeffrey L. Rabbinic Stories “If we seek to understand the rabbis and their world, we need to understand their stories.”
Spirituality Non-Fiction 1980 Hoffman, Bengt The Theologia Germanica of Martin Luther “This is a simple yet very profound book about life in God as it translates into life in the world.”

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