Spirituality | Sociology | 1984 | Adler, Mortimer Jerome | A Vision of the Future | “Twelve Ideas for a Better Life and a Better Society” |
Spirituality | Collection | 2009 | Alexander, Jane | The Body, Mind, Spirit Miscellany | “The Ultimate Collection of Fascinations, Facts, Truths, and Insights” |
Spirituality | Stories | 1997 | Allenbaugh, Kay | Chocolate for a Woman's Soul | “77 Stories to Feed Your Spirit and Warm Your Heart” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1975, 1974 | Bach, Dr. George R. and Dr. Herb Goldberg | Creative Aggression | “The Art of Assertive Living” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1996, 1987 | Bailey, Karen | Irish Proverbs | “Illustrated By Karen Bailey” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Bauer, Susan Wise | The Well-Educated Mind | “A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2006 | Beak, Sera | The Red Book | “A Deliciously Unorthodox Approach to Igniting Your Divine Spark” |
Spirituality | Autobiography | 2011, 2010 | Boyle, Gregory | Tattoos on the Heart | “The Power of Boundless Compassion” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2004 | Brooks, David | On Paradise Drive | “How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2016, 2015 | Brooks, David | The Road to Character | “focuses on the deeper values that should inform our lives” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2012, 2011 | Brooks, David | The Social Animal | “The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2015 | Brotherton, Rob | Suspicious Minds | “Why We Believe Conspiracy Theories” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2015, 1997 | Brott, Armin A. | The New Father | “A Dad's Guide To The First Year” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2002 | Brown, Juanita and the World Café Community | The World Café | “A Resource Guide, for Hosting Conversations That Matter” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2005 | Brown, Juanita with David Isaacs and the World Café Community | The World Café | “Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2008 | Butterfield, Richard | It's Showtime! | “Butterfield Speaks on The Power of Persuasion” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2006 | Byrne, Rhonda | The Secret | “You hold in your hands a Great Secret... It has been passed down through the ages, highly coveted, hidden, lost, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money.” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1996, 1992 | Cameron, Julia | The Artist's Way, A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity | “A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative Self” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2009 | Carkhuff, Robert R.; Berenson, Bernard G.; Tamagini, Jeanette | The Heart of Empathy | Guide with examples and activities |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Castle, Victoria | The Trance of Scarcity | “Stop Holding Your Breath and Start Living Your Life” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Chapin, Alice | Reaching Back | “A workbook for recording your life's most meaningful moments to share with future generations” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1991, 1976 | Colgrove, Melba PH.D.; Bloomfield, Harold H. M.D. & Peter McWilliams | How to Survive the Loss of a Love | “helpful book on the subject of loss” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2012 | Collins, Loren | Bullspotting | “Finding Facts in the Age of Misinformation” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2001, 1996 | Comte-SPoonville, André | A Small Treatise on the Great Virtures | “The Uses of Philosophy in Everyday Life” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1989, 2004 | Covey, Stephen R. | The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | “Powerful Lessons in Personal Change” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Covey, Stephen R. | The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | “Personal Workbook” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Covey, Stephen R.; Merrill, A. Roger; Merrill, Rebecca R. | First Things First | “To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1998 | Crichton, Jennifer | Family Reunion | “Everything You Need to Know to Plan Unforgettable Get-Togethers” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1993, 1992 | Dyer, Dr. Wayne W. | Real Magic | “Creating Miracles in Everyday Life” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Eller, Jae | Stop & Think | “Creating New Awareness” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1996, 1993 | Farrell, Warren, Ph.D. | The Myth of Male Power | “non-dogmatic approach to the relationship between men and women - one that questions the victim/opressor mindset” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1982, 1978 | Gawain, Shakti | Creative Visualization | “Use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life.” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Gerard, Jim | Who Moved My Secret | “The Ancient Wisdom That Tells You It's Okay to Be Greedy” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2021 | Gilbert, Christopher PhD | The Noble Edge | “Reclaiming an Ethical World One Choice at a Time” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2007, 2005 | Gladwell, Malcolm | blink | “The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2010 | Grayling, A.C. | Ideas That Matter | “The Concepts that Shape the 21st Century, An Opinionated Guide” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2022 | Guidara, Will | Unreasonable Hospitality | “The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect” |
Spirituality | History | 2017, 2015 | Harari, Yuval Noah | Homo Deus | “A Brief History of Tomorrow” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2004 | Hastings, Richard | Dreams for Peace | “How the World of Dreams Can Lead Us to World Peace” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1999 | Hicks, Dr. Rick and Kathy | Boomers, Xers, and Other Strangers | “Understanding the Generational Differences That Divide Us” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1961 | Hospers, John | Human conduct | “An Introduction To The Problems of Ethics” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1978 | Howard, Jane | Families | “informal visits to many dozens of families” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2017 | Jacob, Alan | How To Think | “A Survival Guide for a World at Odds” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1981, 1979 | Jampolsky, Gerald G., M.D. | Love Is Letting Go Of Fear | “let go of our obsession with the past and the future” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1998 | Johnson, Spencer, M.D. | Who Moved My Cheese? | “An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1963 | Kaplan, Philip | Posers | “80 Delightful Hurdles for Reasonably Agile Minds” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2000, 1991 | Katherine, Anne, M. A. | Boundaries | “Where You End and I Begin” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1977 | Kauz, Herman | The Martial Spirit | “an introduction to the origin, philosophy, and psychology of the martial arts” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2008, 2007 | Kenneall, Christine | The First Word | “The Search for the Origins of Language” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Kielburger, Craig and Kielburger, Marc | The Power Of We Day | “the movement of our time” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Kondo, Marie | the life-changing magic of tidying up | “the Japanese art of decluttering and organizing” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Kranz, Garry | Communicating Effectively | “Write, Speak, and Present with Authority” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1959, 1942 | Langer, Susanne K. | Philosophy in a New Key | “A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Law, Stephen | The Philosophy Gym | “25 Short Adventures In Thinking” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2005, 2004 | Lesser, Elizabeth | Broken Open | “How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2015 | Link, Rory | The Theory and Practice of Joy | “A translation of life” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1988, 1979 | Lovelock, James E. | Gaia | “A new look at life on Earth” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1980 | Lowen, Alexander, M.D. | Fear Of Life | “A practicing therapist's analysis of the forces that limit our capacity for a rich and joyous life, and the ways to a personal growth and fulfillment” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1970, 1967 | Maltz, Maxwell, M.D. | Creative Living for Today | “applies Psycho-Cybernetics to this inspiring guide” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Marcic, Dorothy | Managing with the Wisdom of Love | “Uncovering Virtue in People and Organizations” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1989, 1983 | Martin, Judith | Miss Manners'® Guide for the Turn-of-the-Millenium | |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1996 | McCannon, Tricia | Dialogues with the Angels | “A masterpiece of the soul!” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1996 | McFarlane, Evelyn & James Saywell | If²... | “(500 New Questions for the Game of Life)” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1967 | McLuhan, Marshall; Fiore, Quentin | The Medium is the Massage | “An Inventory of Effects” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2002 | Merrifield, John | School Choices | “True and False” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2001 | Miller, Daniel | The Dialectics of Shopping | “Going shopping is generally considered to be one of the most enjoyable experiences in life. But in reality, it can often be complicated and even frustrating.” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Monsen, Avery and Jory John | All my friends are dead. | “the amusing existential predicaments of clowns, casette tapes, dinosaurs, zombies, snowmen, houseplants, and others as they each face the inevitable.” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2007, 2006 | Morenson, Greg and David Oliver Relin | Three Cups of Tea | “One Man's Mission to Promote Peace... One School at a Time” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1989, 1983 | O'Rourke, P.J. | Modern Manners | “An Etiquette Book for Rude People” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1990 | Osmen, Sarah Ann | Sacred Places | “A Journey Into The Holiest Lands” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1993, 1991 | Parry, Danaan | Warriors Of The Heart | “A Handbook For Conflict Resolution” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2011 | Pinker, Steven | The Better Angels Of Our Nature | “Why Violence Has Declined” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2002 | Pinker, Steven | The Blank Slate | “The Modern Denial Of Human Nature” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2018 | Pinker, Steven | Enlightenment Now | “The Case For Reason, Science, Humanism, And Progress” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Popov, Linda Kavelin with Dan Popov, Ph. D., and John Kavelin | The Family Virtues Guide | “Simple Ways to Bring Out the Best in Our Children and Ourselves” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2012 | Popov, Linda Kavelin | Graceful Endings | “Navigating the Journey of Loss and Grief” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2004 | Popov, Linda Kavelin | A Pace Of Grace | “The Virtues of a Sustainable Life” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2000 | Popov, Linda Kavelin | The Virtues Project, Educator's Guide | “Simple Ways to Create a Culture of Character” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2018, 2017 | Pradervand, Pierre | 365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World | “Really living one's spirituality in everyday life” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1999, 1985 | Pryor, Karen | Don't Shoot The Dog! | “The New Art Of Teaching And Training” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2016, 2015 | Quartz, Steven and Anette Asp | Cool | “How The Brain's Hidden Quest For Cool Drives Our Economy And Shapes Our World” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2008, 2007 | Real, Terrence | The New Rules of Marriage | “What You Need to Know to Make Love Work” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2021 | Ripley, Amanda | High Conflict | “Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Rockefeller, Barbara & Nick J. Tate | Da Vinci's Baby Boomer Survival Guide | “Live, Prosper, and Thrive in Your Retirement” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2016 | Rubin, Jordan | Planet Heal Thyself | “The Revolution of Regeneration in Body, Mind, and Planet” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2013, 2001 | Ruiz, Don Miguel with Janet Mills | The Circle of Fire | “Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2018 | Ruiz, Don Miguel | The Three Questions | “How to Discover and Master the Power Within You” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2015, 2013 | Ruiz, Jr., Don Miguel | The Five Levels Of Attachment | “Toltec Wisdom For The Modern World” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2007, 2004 | Ruthven, Malise | Fundamentalism | “A Very Short Introduction” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2019 | Schwarz, Kyle | i wish for change | “Unleashing The Power Of Kids To Make A Difference” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2002 | Scully, Matthew | Dominion | “The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2004 | Senge, Peter; Scharmer, C. Otto; Jaworski, Joseph; Flowers, Betty Sue | Presence | “Human Purpose And The Field Of The Future” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1979 | Sher, Barbara with Annie Gottlieb | Wishcraft, How to Get What You Really Want | “A Unique, Step-By-Step Plan To Pinpoint Youg Goals And Make Your Dreams Come True” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1997 | Simon, Caroline Joyce | The Disciplined Heart | “Love, Destiny & Imagination” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 2007, 1999 | Smith, Linda Tuhiwai | Decolonizing Methodologies | “Research and Indigenous Peoples” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1993, 1992 | Steinem, Gloria | Revolution From Within | “A Book of Self-Esteem” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2011 | Stewart, Alexis; Hutt, Jennifer Koppelman | Whateverland | “Learning to Live Here” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1946 | Stimpson, George | A Book About A Thousand Things | Inquiries and responses |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2006 | Stossel, John | Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity | “Get Out the Shovel- Why Everything You Know Is Wrong” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1992, 1986 | Tannen, Deborah, Ph. D. | That's Not What I Meant! | “How Conversational Style Makes or Breaks Relationships” |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1971, 1970 | Toffler, Alvin | Future Shock | “what is happening today to people and groups who are overwhelmed by change. |
Spirituality | Sociology | 1991, 1990 | Toffler, Alvin | Power Shift | “Knowledge, Wealth, And Violence At The Edge Of The 21st Century” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Welsh, Claudia | Yosemite Meditations for Adventures | “collection of stirring quotations and spectacular landscape photography” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2005 | Winfrey, Oprah | Live Your Best Life | “A Treasury of Wisdom, Wit, Advice, Interviews and Inspiration from O, The Oprah Magazine” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Winfrey, Oprah | What I Know For Sure | “about all the lessons I've struggled with, cried over, run from, circled back to, made peace with, laughed about, and at long last come to know for sure” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1991 | Savage, Anne and Nicholas Watson | Anchoritic Spirituality | “Ancrene Wisse And Associated Works” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2000 | Boenig, Robert | Anglo-Saxon Spirituality | “Selected Writings” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1984 | Clark, Mary T. | Augustine of Hippo | “Selected Writings” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1978 | Cousins, Ewert | Bonaventure | “The Soul's Journey Into God - The Tree Of Life - The Life Of St. Francis” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2004 | Taliaferro, Charles and Alison J. Teply | Cambridge Platonist Spirituality | “a comprehensive, integrated, tolerant Christian spirituality.” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Martin, Dennis D. | Carthusian Spirituality | “The Writings Of Hugh Of Balma And Guigo De Ponte” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1978 | Malherbe, Abraham and Everett Fergusun | Gregory of Nyssa | “The Life Of Moses” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1998 | McGuire, Brian Patrick | Jean Gerson | “Early Works” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1978 | Colledge, Edmund and James Walsh | Julian of Norwich | “Showings” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2004 | Renard, John | Knowledge of God in Classical Sufism | “Foundations Of Islamic Mystical Theology” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Krey, Philip D. W. and Peter D. S. Krey | Luther's Spirituality | “critique of the late-medieval spiritualities that he inhereted and his various constructive proposals.” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1986 | McGinn, Bernard | Meister Eckhart | “Teacher And Preacher” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1979 | Tooker, Elisabeth | Native North American Spirituality of the Eastern Woodlands | “Sacred Myths, Dreams, Visions, Speeches, Healing Formulas, Rituals And Ceremonials” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Bond, H. Lawrence | Nicholas of Cusa | “Selected Spiritual Writings” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1979 | Greer, Rowan A. | Origen | “An Exhortation To Martyrdom, Prayer And Selected Works” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 2002 | Rubenstein, Jeffrey L. | Rabbinic Stories | “If we seek to understand the rabbis and their world, we need to understand their stories.” |
Spirituality | Non-Fiction | 1980 | Hoffman, Bengt | The Theologia Germanica of Martin Luther | “This is a simple yet very profound book about life in God as it translates into life in the world.” |