Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Adams, Francis; Brock, Arthur John M.D. | Hippocratic Writings, On The Natural Faculties By Galen | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1927 | Adler, Alfred | Understanding Human Nature | “the fundamentals of Individual Psychology” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2012 | Alexander, Eben M.D. | Proof of Heaven | “A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Anderson, Jason S. and Hans-Dieter Sues | Major Transitions in Vertebrate Evolution | “The transition between major groups of vertebrates was an early stumbling block to the acceptance of evolutionary theory.” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2016 | Angello, Dr. Michele & Alisa Bowman | Raising the Transgender Child | “A Complete Guide for Parents, Families & Caregivers” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1960 | Asimov, Isaac | The Wellsprings of Life | “How Man Evolved On Earth And The Mystery Of Life's Origins Explored By America's Foremost Science Writer” |
Science | Atlas | 1998 | Aston, Mick & Tim Taylor | The Atlas of Archaeology | “The Definitive Guide to the Location, History & Significance of the World's Most Important Archaeological Sites & Finds” |
Science | History | 2003 | Atkins, Peter | Galileo's Finger | “The Ten Great Ideas of Science” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1979 | Attenborough, David | Life on Earth | “A Natural History” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1984 | Attenborough, David | The Living Planet | “A Portrait Of The Earth” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2024, 1997 | Augustine, George J.; Groh, Jennifer M.; Huettel, Scott A.; LaMantia, Anthony-Samuel; White, Leonard E. | Neuroscience | “comprehensive and clearly written neuroscience textbook” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2020 | Ayubi, Emily L. | Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association | “The Official Guide To APA Style” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1944 | Baker, Richard St. Barbe | I Planted Trees | “account of full adventurous living for the sake of his beloved trees” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1969 | Barbour, John | Footprints On The Moon | |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2018, 2004 | Barry, John M. | The Great Influenza | “The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2012, 2002 | Bassett, Bruce & Ralph Edney | Introducing Relativity | “A Graphic Guide” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1999 | Behler, John L. | National Audobon Society | “First Field Guide: Reptiles” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1984 | Beis, Edward B. | Mental Health And The Law | “a guide to the standards of care and treatment required by the law” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2018 | Bernard, Jill | WellBEing Resource Guide To Health, Balance, & Transformation | “Holistic Resources, Education, & Events” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1982 | Black, Claudia, PhD | It Will Never Happen To Me! | “Children Of Alcoholics, As Youngsters - Adolescents - Adults” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1964, 1961 | Blalock, Jr., Hubert M. | Causal Inferences in Nonexperimental Research | “the nature of the scientific method and, in particular, the problem of the relationship between theory and research” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2008 | Bongiorno, Lori | Green, Greener, Greenest | “A Practical Guide to Making Eco-Smart Choices a Part of Your Life” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1975 | Borgese, Elisabeth Mann | The Drama Of The Oceans | “explores all facets of the enchanted ocean world” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Braithwaite, Sylvester M.D. | Teen Spirit, The Ultimate Family Manual | “A Spiritual Approach to Sexuality & Your Teen” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Brodie, Janet Farrell | Contraception and Abortion in Nineteenth-Century America | “extensive look at the full range of options for contraception and abortion” |
Science | History | 1973 | Bronowski, Jacob | The Ascent of Man | “traces the development of science as an expression of the special gifts that characterize man” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2017, 2011 | Brown, Timothy A.; Barlow, David H. | Casebook in Abnormal Psychology | “Real Patients, Real Cases - In Rich Clinical Detail” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2004, 2000 | Bruges, James | The Little Earth Book | “practical answers and ideas for saving our planet” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987 | Bryan, Courtlandt Dixon Barnes | The National Geographic Society | “100 Years of Adventure and Discovery” |
Science | Physics | 2003 | Bryson, Bill | A Short History of Nearly Everything | Exploring popular scientific answers |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2016, 2015 | Buchmann, Stephen | The Reason For Flowers | “Their History, Culture, Biology, and How They Change Our Lives” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Burmeister, Alice with Tom Monte | The Touch Of Healing | “Energizing Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2014, 1998 | Butler, Gillian and Freda Mcmanus | Psychology | “A Very Short Introduction” |
Science | History | 1970, 1952 | Camp, Charles L. | Earth Song | “A Prologue to History” |
Science | History | 1982 | Campbell, Jeremy | Grammatical Man | “Information, Entropy, Language, and Life” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1931 | Čapek, Karel | The Gardener's Year | “How Little Gardens Are Laid Out” |
Science | Physics | 2020, 2019 | Carroll, Sean | Something Deeply Hidden | “Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1999 | Cassie, Brian | National Audobon Society | “First Field Guide: Amphibians” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1971 | Cerman, C. W. | The First Americans | “A Story of North American Archaeology” |
Science | Reference | 2008 | Chivian, Eric M.D. And Aaron Bernstein M.D. | Sustaining Life | “How Human Health Depends on Biodiversity” |
Science | History | 2019 | Christakis, Nicholas A. | Blueprint | “The Evolutaionary Origins Of A Good Society” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2018 | Christiano, Joseph | Stem Cell Revolution | “Discover 26 Disruptive Technological Advances in Stem Cell Activation” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987 | Clark, William S. | A Field Guide to Hawks, North America | “The Peterson Field Guide Series” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Climate Central | Global Weirdness | “Severe Storms, Deadly Heat Waves, Relentless Drought, Rising Seas, and the Weather of the Future” |
Science | History | 2010, 2009 | Cochran, Gregory and Henry Harpending | The 10,000 Year Explosion | “How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Coile, Caroline Ph. D. | The Dog Breed Bible | “Descriptions and photos of every breed recognized by the AKC, plus recommendations for training, grooming, exercise, and more” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1985, 1973 | Colbert, Edwin Harris | Wandering Lands And Animals | “The Story of Continental Drift and Animal Populations” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1985 | Cox, Jeff and Marilyn | The Perennial Garden | “Color Harmonies through the Seasons” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2010, 2005 | Crawford, David; Jeffery, Robert W.; Ball, Kylie; Brug, Johannes | Obesity Epidemiology | “From Aetiology to Public Health” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2000 | Crowe, Elizabeth Powell | Genealogy Online | “Millenium Edition” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2002 | Cunningham, Antonia | Guinness World Records 2002 | “Hundreds Of New Records Inside!” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2008 | Dale, Cyndi | Illuminating the Afterlife | “Your Soul's Journey Through the Worlds Beyond” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1980, 1974 | Daniels, Dr. Gilbert S. | Roses | “The American Horticultural Society Illustrated Encyclopedia of Gardening” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Darwin, Charles | The Origin Of Species By Means Of Natural Selection, The Descent Of Man And Selection In Relation To Sex | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | Photographs | 1960 | Daumier, Honoré | Doctors and Medicine | “in the works of Daumier” |
Science | Biography | 2013 | Dawkins, Richard | An Appetite for Wonder | “The Making of a Scientist A Memoir” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1996 | Dawkins, Richard | Climbing Mount Improbable | “endless variety and adaptability of the gene and all its works” |
Science | Sociology | 2018, 2017 | Dawkins, Richard | Science in the Soul | “Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1990 | Dell, Twyla | Call Of The Rainbow Warrior | “An Environmental Fable” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2016, 2015 | DeVita Jr., Vincent T., M.D. | The Death Of Cancer | “A pioneering Oncologist Reveals Why The War on Cancer Is Winnable” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1991 | Dreaver, Jim | Somatic Therapy | "A Neuromuscular Approach to Chronic Pain and Stiffness" |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1990 | Dunham, William | Journey Through Genius | “The Great Theorems of Mathematics” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1970 | Easton, The Reverend D. Allan and Joan McDonald Brearley | This Is The Shih Tzu | “the delightful little breed that has charmed and won the hearts of dog lovers down through the ages from ancient Chinese dynasties to our modern-day sophisticated dog fanciers” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Ebel, Charles | Managing Herpes | “How To Live And Love With A Chronic STD” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2009, 1996 | Edelman, Eva | Natural Healing for Schizophrenia | “And Other Common Mental Disorders” |
Science | Reference | 1991, 1977 | Edwards, Elwyn Hartley | Encyclopedia Of The Horse | “A magnificent new comprehensive encyclopedia for all horse enthusiasts” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Euclid | The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements | “Translated By Thomas Heath” |
Science | Biology | 2010, 2001 | Evans, Dylan & Howard Selina | Introducing Evolution | “A Graphic Guide” |
Science | Archaeology | 1993 | Fagan, Brian M. | World Prehistory | “A Brief Introduction” |
Science | Biography | 2013, 2012 | Ferguson, Kitty | Stephen Hawking | “An Unfettered Mind” |
Science | Physics | 2014 | Ferreira, Pedro G. | The Perfect Theory | “A Century of Geniuses and the Battle Over General Relativity” |
Science | History | 1979 | Fine, Reuben | A History of Psychoanalysis | “generally regarded as one of the most significant intellectual developments of the twentieth century” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Fisher, Betty and Suzanne Delzio | Caninestein, Unleashing The Genius In Your Dog | “100 Activities to Measure and Enhance Your Dog's Intelligence” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1993, 1992 | Florman, Monte and Marjorie Florman | How to Clean Practically Anything | “Featuring A Stain Removal Chart For All Fabrics!” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Foote, Jeffrey, PHD; Wilkens, Carrie, PHD and Nicole Kosanke, PHD with Stephanie Higgs | Beyond Addiction | “How Science And Kindness Help People Change, A Guide for Families” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1988, 1969 | Frankl, Viktor E. | The Will To Meaning | “Foundations And Applications Of Logotherapy” |
Science | Photographs | 1985 | Frazier, Kendrick | Solar System | “Planet Earth” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1990 | Friel, John Ph.D. & Linda Friel, M.A. | An Adult Child's Guide To What's “Normal” | “Your parents may not have been able to teach you social skills but it is not too late to learn them now” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Galison, Peter | Einstein's Clocks, Poincaré's Maps | “Empires of Time” |
Science | History | 1985, 1966 | Gamow, George | Thirty Years That Shook Physics | “The Story of Quantum Theory” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Garrett, Laurie | The Coming Plague | “Newly Emerging Diseases In A World Out Of Balance” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2021 | Gates, Bill | How To Avoid A Climate Disaster | “The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2010, 2009 | Gawande, Atul | The Checklist Manifesto | “How To Get Things Right” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1983 | Giacona, Nicola | Prescription Drugs | “Important information on hundreds of drugs - their uses, side effects, and interactions with other drugs. All you should know to use prescription drugs safely. Plus tips on saving money.” |
Science | Photographs | 1977, 1976 | Gilbert, Katharine Stoddert, with Joan K. Holt and Sara Hudson | Treasures of Tutankhamun | Traveling exhibition |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1982 | Gillman, Sander L., Ph.D. | Introducing Psychoanalytic Theory | “the contributions of psychoanalytic theory to literature, sociology, philosophy, and the humanities” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2011 | Gleick, James | The Information | “A History, A Theory, A Flood” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2003, 2001 | Gleiser, Marcelo | The Prophet and the Astronomer | “A Scientific Journey to the End of Time” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1974 | Goin, Coleman Jett and Olive Bown Goin | Journey Onto Land | “A major stage in the evolution of life - the invasion of the land by the seed plants, arthropods, and vertebrates” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987 | Goodall, Brian | The Penguin Dictionary of Human Geography | “the economics of trade and industry, politics and sociology, the environment and land use, planning and management” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2013 | Gore, Al | The Future | “Six Drivers of Global Change” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2006 | Gore, Al | An Inconvenient Truth | “The Planetary Emergency Of Global Warming And What We Can Do About It” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1985 | Gould, Stephen Jay | The Flamingo's Smile | “Reflections in Natural History” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2018 | Guerrero, Angeles Gavira | How Science Works | “The Facts visually explained” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1999 | Guillemin, Jeanne | Anthrax | “The Investigation Of A Deadly Outbreak” |
Science | Biography | 2018 | Hanley, Paul | Man of the Trees | “Richard St. Barbe Baker, The First Global Conservationist” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2012 | Hanscom, David MD | Back in Control | “A spine surgeon's roadmap out of chronic pain” |
Science | Sociology | 2006 | Hauser, Marc D. | Moral Minds | “How Nature Designed Our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong” |
Science | Physics | 2010 | Hawking, Stephen and Leonard Mlodinow | The Grand Design | Models of reality applied to the universe |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Heath, Sir Thomas L.; Taliaferro, R. Catesby; D'Ooge, Martin L. | The Thirteen Books Of Euclid's Elements, The Works Of Archimedes Including The Method, Conics By Apollonius Of Perga, Introduction To Arithmetic By Nicomachus of Gerasa | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | History | 1970 | Hechtlinger, Adelaide | The Great Patent Medicine Era | “Or Without Benefit Of Doctor” |
Science | Autobiography | 2014, 2012 | Hitchens, Christopher | Mortality | “account of his ordeal battling esophageal cancer” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1979 | Hofstadter, Douglas R. | Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid | “A metaphorical fugure on minds and machines in the spirit of Lewis Carroll” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1965 | Hole, Frank; Heizer, Robert F. | An Introduction To Prehistoric Archeology | “the study of man's past by showing how archeologists reconstruct human history from the artifacts that have survived” |
Science | History | 2010, 2008 | Holmes, Richard | The Age Of Wonder | “How the Romantic Generation Discovered the Beauty and Terror of Science” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2006 | Home Instead Senior Care | Advanced CAREgiver | “Training Guide” |
Science | Reference | 2010, 1978 | House, David | The Complete Biogas Handbook | “Being a compendium of the art & science of using anything once alive to produce a burnable gas for powering light, automobiles, ovens, tractors, water heaters, furnaces & various contraptions.” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1967, 1960 | House, Earl Lawrence, Ph.D.; Pansky, Pen, Ph.D. | A Functional Approach to Neuroanatomy | “textbook” |
Science | History | 1975 | Howard, Robert West | The Dawnseekers | “The First History of American Paleontology” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2008 | Hu, Frank B., MD, PhD | Obesity Epidemiology | “study design, analysis, and data interpretation” |
Science | History | 1972, 1968 | Huard, Pierre and Ming Wong | Chinese Medicine | “World University Library” |
Science | Sociology | 1999 | Huber, Peter | Hard Green | “Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists, A Conservative Manifesto” |
Science | Sociology | 1987, 1952 | Hutchins, Robert Maynard | The Major Works of Sigmund Freud | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2015 | Impey, Chris | Beyond | “Our Future in Space” |
Science | Sociology | 2008 | Inslee, Jay; Hendricks, Bracken | Apollo's Fire | “Igniting America's Clean-Energy Economy” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1975, 1921 | International Correspondence Schools Staff | Elements of Arithmetic | “Prepared Especially For Home Study” |
Science | History | 1963, 1955 | Irvine, William | Apes, Angels, and Victorians | “The Story of Darwin, Huxley, and Evolution” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | James, William | The Principles of Psychology | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2019, 2015 | Jantz, Gregory L., PhD and Dr. Tim Clinton with Ann McMurray | Am I Codependent? | “Key Questions to Ask about Your Relationships” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2009, 1995 | Jantz, Gregory L., PhD with Ann McMurray | Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse | “hope and healing for the victims of emotional abuse” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1958 | Jarvis, D. C., M.D. | Folk Medicine | “A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1981 | Jastrow, Robert | The Enchanted Loom: Mind in the Universe | “the latest breakthroughs in astronomy biology and the brain sciences” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1989 | Javnarama | 50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth | “We Can Make a Difference” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1991 | Johnston, Charles M. MD | Necessary Wisdom | “Meeting the Challenge of a New Cultural Maturity” |
Science | Reference | 1995, 1987 | Jones, Judy and William Wilson | An Incomplete Education | “From Quark to Quattrocento...Boswell to Bosnia...the Dreyfus Affair to the Doppler Effect...May Magdalen to Laurie Anderson...Teapot Dome to The Magic Mountain...Metaphysics to Microeconomics...Lao-tse to Lévi-Strauss...Napoleon to NAFTA, PLUS: How to Tell the Iliad from the Odyssey” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1980, 1959 | Jung, C. G. | The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious | “ninth volume of C. G. Jung's collected writings” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1998 | Justice, Blair, Ph.D. | A Different Kind of Health | “Finding Well-Being Despite Illness” |
Science | Sociology | 1995, 1994 | Kaku, Michio | Hyperspace | “A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension” |
Science | Sociology | 1997 | Kaku, Michio | Visions | “How Science Will Revolutionize The 21st Century” |
Science | Biography | 2016 | Kalanithi, Paul | When Breath Becomes Air | “At the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade's worth of training as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1998 | Kaminsky, Peter | Fly Fishing For Dummies | “The Fun and Fundamentals of Fly Fishing” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Kastenbaum, Robert | Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death And Dying | Volume 1 A-K |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Kastenbaum, Robert | Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death And Dying | Volume 2 L-Z |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2016, 2002 | Kay, Laura; Palen, Stacy; Blumenthal, George | 21st Century Astronomy | “The Solar System” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Keenan, Julian Paul with Gordon G. Gallup Jr. and Dean Falk | The Face In The Mirror | “The Search For The Origins Of Consciousness” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Kerr, Robert; Freeman, Alexander | Elements Of Chemistry By Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Analytical Theory Of Heat By Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, Experimental Researches In Electricity By Michael Faraday | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | Sociology | 2009 | Kessler, David A., MD | The end of overeating. | “Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1960 | Kingdon- Ward, Frank O.B.E. M.A. | Pilgrimage for Plants | “blends autobiography with speculations on plant geography and first-hand accounts of the discovery of various plants and their introduction to gardens” |
Science | Sociology | 1975 | Kinget, G. Marian | On Being Human | “A Systematic View” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1948 | Klein, Melanie | Contributions To Psycho-Analysis | “1921-1945” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2019 | Klein, Naomi | On Fire | “The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Kolk, Bessel A. van der, M. D. | The Body Keeps The Score | “Brain, Mind, And Body In The Healing Of Trauma” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1988, 1972 | Kopp, Sheldon B. | If You Meet The Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! | “The Pilgrimmage Of Psychotherapy Patients” |
Science | Photographs | 1982 | Kopper, Philip | The National Museum of Natural History | Collections |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2000 | Lamb, Terri Stephens | e-Genealogy | “Finding your family roots online” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1973 | Langs, Robert, M.D. | The Technique Of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy | “Volume I, The Initial Contact, Theoretical Framework, Understanding the Patient's Communications, The Therapist's Interventions” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1983, 1974 | Langs, Robert, M.D. | The Technique Of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy | “Volume II, Responses to Interventions, The Patient-Therapist Relationship, The Phases of Psychotherapy” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1996 | Lannom, Jack | Jack Lannom's Quantum Mind | “The Secrets of Maximum Mental Performance” |
Science | Biographies | 2017 | Leahy, Anna; Dechow, Douglas R. | Generation Space | “A Love Story” |
Science | Archaeology | 1992 | Leakey, Richard & Roger Lewin | Origins Reconsidered | “In Search of What Makes Us Human” |
Science | Physics | 1993 | Lederman, Leon with Dick Teresi | The God Particle | “If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1992 | Leonard, Sue | Life Beyond Death | “Quest For The Unknown” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Levine, Robert | A Geography Of Time | “The Temporal Misadventures of a Social Psychologist, or How Every Culture Keeps Time Just a Little Bit Differently” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2006, 2005 | Lightman, Alan | The Discoveries | “Great Breakthroughs in 20th-Century Science, Including the Original Papers” |
Science | Biography | 2010 | Lloyd, Saci | The Carbon Diaries 2017 | “The world's gone well radical. And I keep waiting for someone to press the stop button.” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1991 | Lustbader, Wendy | Counting on Kindness | “The Dilemnas of Dependency” |
Science | Reference | 1985, 1984 | Macdonald, Dr. David Whyte | The Encyclopedia of Mammals | |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2012, 2011 | Mace, Nancy L., MA, and Peter V. Rabins, MD, MPH | The 36-Hour Day | “A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer's Disease, Related Dementias, and Memory Loss” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1978, 1977 | Maclean, Charles | The Wolf Children | “case histories of feral children” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1975, 1974 | Marks, Philip A., Ph.D.; Seeman, William, Ph.D.; Haller, Deborah L., B.A. | The Actuarial Use of the MMPI with Adolescents and Adults | “The MMPI belongs to that class of psychological or psychometric instruments which have been characterized as structured and as inventory-type tests” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2003 | Marohn, Stephanie | The Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder | “The Healthy Mind Guides” |
Science | History | 2000 | Martin, Russell | Beethoven's Hair | “An Extraordinary Historical Odyssey and a Scientific Mystery Solved” |
Science | Physics | 2008, 1996 | Mather, John C. and John Boslough | The very first light | “The True Inside Story of the Scientific Journey Back to the Dawn of the Universe” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987 | Mcauley, William J. | Applied Research in Gerontology | “research with older populations” |
Science | History | 1967 | McDonald, William A. | Progress Into The Past | “The Rediscovery of Mycenaen Civilization” |
Science | Biology | 2012 | McIntosh, Steve | Evolution's Purpos | “An Integral Interpretation of the Scientific Story of Our Origins” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1982 | McKee, Patrick L., Ph.D. | Philsophical Foundations Of Gerontology | “What is the best response, over all, to the radically changing conditions of life we experience in old age?” |
Science | Biology | 2016 | Mesler, Bill; Cleaves, H. James II | A Brief History of Creation | “Science and the Search for the Origin of Life” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2022 | Miller, Joe with Dr. Özlem Türeci and Dr. Uğur Şahin, Creators Of The BioNTech-Pfizer Vaccine | The Vaccine | “Inside The Race To Conquer The Covid-19 Pandemic” |
Science | Biology | 2007, 1999 | Miller, Kenneth Raymond | Finding Darwin's God | “A Scientist's Search for Common Ground between God and Evolution” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1997 | Miller, Norman S., M.D. | The Principles And Practice Of Addictions In Psychiatry | |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1996 | Mithen, Steven | The Prehistory of the Mind | “the cognitive origins of art, religion and science” |
Science | Astronomy | 1976 | Mitton, Simon | Exploring the Galaxies | “an historical survey, a brief description of modern instrumentation, and a survey of the methods used for finding distances” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2013 | Montross, Christine | Falling Into the Fire | “A Psychiatrist's Encounters With The Mind In Crisis” |
Science | Sociology | 2009 | Mooney, Chris; Kirshenbaum, Sheril | Unscientific America | “How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Motte, Andrew; Cajori, Florian; Thompson, Silvanus P. | Mathematic Principles of Natural Philosophy By Sir Isaac Newton, Optics, Treatise on Light By Christiaan Huygens | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Mottelay, P. Fleury; Crew, Henry and Alfonso de Salvio; Willis, Robert | On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies By William Gilbert, Concerning the Two New Sciences By Galileo Galilei, On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. On the Circulation of the Blood. On the Generation of Animals By William Harvey | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1993 | Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. | It Works, How And Why | “The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1982 | Nathan, Peter, MD | The nervous system | “made up of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves throughout the body” |
Science | Photographs | 1993 | Naythons, Matthew | The Face of Mercy | “A Photographic History Of Medicine At War” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2012, 2011 | Neal, Mary C. | To Heaven And Back | “A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Neiman, Carol & Emily Goldman | Afterlife | “The Complete Guide To Life After Death” |
Science | Photographs | 2003 | Nemiroff, Robert J.; Bonnell, Jerry T. | The Universe in 365 Days | “Based on the website Astronomy Picture Of The Day” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2008 | Nichols, Jay | 1001 Fly Fishing Tips | “Expert Advice, Hints, and Shortcuts From the World's Leading Fly Fishers” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2001, 2000 | Niven, David Ph. D. | The 100 Simple Secrets Of Happy People | “What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2018 | Nix, Martin E. | Solar Enchantment Now. | “The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism and Solar Energy, A rebuttal to Steven Pinker” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Nolen, Stephanie | 28 Stories Of AIDS In Africa | “human portrait of the continent in crisis” |
Science | Sociology | 1947 | Noüy, Lecomte du | Human Destiny | “outlook on the most important problems of all times.” |
Science | Sociology | 2014 | Nowinski, Joseph PhD | Hard to Love | “Understanding and Overcoming Male Borderline Personality Disorder” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1993 | Nuland, Sherwin B. | How We Die | “Reflections on Life's Final Chapter” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1988, 1979 | Ober, William B., M.D. | Boswell's Clap & Other Essays | “Medical Analyses of Literary Men's Afflictions” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1958 | Olson, Sigurd F. | Listening Point | “tells of what I have seen and heard on a bare glacaiated spit of rock in the Quetico-Superior country.” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1990, 1963 | Olson, Sigurd F. | Runes Of The North | “A book of legends, reflections, and adventures, set in the vast wilderness of the North that sweeps from the Quetico-Superior and Hudson Bay to the Yukon and Alaska” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1956 | Olson, Sigurd F. | The Singing Wilderness | “A vibrant book of discovery that re-creates the sights and sounds of the Quetico-Superior country and explores with deep insight the permanent values of a great wilderness area” |
Science | History | 2002 | Olson, Steve | Mapping Human History | “Discovering the Past Through Our Genes” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2008, 2004 | Owen, Weldon | Visual Dictionary Animals | |
Science | Reference | 1999 | Palmer, Douglas | Atlas of the Prehistoric World | “Discovery Channel” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2019 | Panek, Richard | The Trouble With Gravity | “Solving The Mystery Beneath Our Feet” |
Science | Photographs | 1983 | Park, Edwards | Treasures of the Smithsonian | “Collections” |
Science | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Pearce, Jami; Witten, Karen | Geographies of Obesity | “Environmental Understandings of the Obesity Epidemic” |
Science | Reference | 1936, 1917 | Pearson, T. Gilbert | Birds of America | |
Science | Non-Fiction | 1978 | Peck, Morgan Scott, M.D. | The Road Less Traveled | “A New Psychology Of Love, Traditional Values And Spiritual Growth” |
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