
Inventory (without Meditation Room books)

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Reference Reference 1967, 1954 May, Isopel Collins Italian Gem Dictionary
Reference Reference 1960, 1955 Brown, R. F. Dimsa's Dictionary, Spanish
Reference Reference 1976, 1938 Takahashi, Morio Takahashi's Pocket Romanized English-Japanese Dictionary (Revised & Enlarged Edition) “This contains 10,000 English words and phrases strictly selected for daily use.”
Reference Reference 1981, 1954 Langbaum, Francesca L.V. The Random House Basic Dictionary “French-English English-French”
Reference Reference
Steiner, Roger J. The Bantam New College, French & English Dictionary
Reference Reference 1966, 1961 Glucksman, Paul H., Ph.D. Follett World-Wide German Dictionary “Completely new and thoroughly modern, 40,000 entries, Rich in synonyms and idioms, Large, easy-to-read type”
Reference Reference 1971, 1953 Langenscheidt-Redaktion Langenscheidt's German-English English-German Dictionary “Two Volumes in One”
Reference Reference 1963 Kendris, Christopher 201 Spanish Verbs “fully conjugated in all the tenses”
Reference Reference 2008 Chen, Young Chinese-English/English-Chinese Pocket Legal Dictionary
Reference Reference 1993 Mamulian, A. S. English-Russian Comprehensive Law Dictionary
Reference Reference 1994 Gavrichina, K.S.; Sazonov, M. A.; Gavrichina, I. N. Commercial And Financial Dictionary “French-English-Russian”
Reference Reference 1992, 1988 Moshiri, Leila Colloquial Persian
Reference Reference 1998 Schneider, Jane and Kathy Kifer Braille for the Sighted “Beginning Braille”
Reference Reference 1986 Soukhanov, Anne H. The American Heritage Children's Dictionary
Reference Reference 1949, 1916 Bethel, John P. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary “Based On Webster's New International Dictionary”
Reference Reference 1981, 1961 Gove, Philip Babcock Webster's Third New International Dictionary Of The English Language Volume I A to G “Unabridged With Seven Language Dictionary”
Reference Reference 1981, 1961 Gove, Philip Babcock Webster's Third New International Dictionary Of The English Language Volume II H to R “Unabridged With Seven Language Dictionary”
Reference Reference 1981, 1961 Gove, Philip Babcock Webster's Third New International Dictionary Of The English Language Volume III S to Z “Unabridged With Seven Language Dictionary”
Reference Reference 1984 Webber, Howard Webster's II “New Riverside Dictionary”
Reference Reference 1979, 1978 Selchow & Righter Company The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary “The Ultimate Argument-Settler for SCRABBLE® Game Players”
Reference Reference 2004 Newman, Stanley and Daniel Stark The MILLION WORD Crossword Dictionary “THe world's biggest, newest, most complete crossword dictionary by far”
Reference Reference 2003, 1999 Laird, Charlton Webster's New Roget's A-Z Thesaurus “More Than 300,000 Synonyms and Antonyms Updated with New Entries, Includes Current Slang, Colloquial Expressions, and Technical Terms”
Reference Reference 1933 Roget, Peter Mark Thesaurus Of English Words And Phrases “Classified And Arranged So As To Facilitate The Expression Of Ideas And To Assist In Literary Composition”
Reference Reference 1950 Opdycke, John Baker The Opdycke Lexicon of Word Selection
Reference Reference 1990 Byrne, Robert The Fourth And By Far the Most Recent 637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said “Many given heightened piquancy by nineteenth-century line cuts”
Reference Non-Fiction 2002, 1855 Kaplan, Justin Bartlett's Book Of Famous Quotations “A collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature”
Reference Non-Fiction 1987 Wei-yuan, Chen Quotable Words, Sayings and Proverbs
Reference Non-Fiction 2010 Fuchs, Marjorie; Johnson, Lisa; Lynn, Sarah; Schoenberg, Irene Future, English For Results 1
Reference Non-Fiction 2010 Gramer, Margot Future, English For Results 1 “Workbook With Audio CD”
Reference Non-Fiction 2010 Lynn, Sarah; Long, Wendy Pratt Future, English For Results 2
Reference Non-Fiction 2010 Raskin, Janet Future, English For Results 2 “Workbook With Audio CD”
Reference Non-Fiction 1989 Curland, David España viva “Text-Workbook”
Reference Non-Fiction 2003, 1997 Tao-chung Yao , Yuehua Liu, Xiaojun Wang, Yea-fen Chen, Liangyan Ge, with Hayden, Jeffrey J. Integrated Chinese Simplified Character Edition “Character Workbook”
Reference Non-Fiction 2002, 1997 Tao-chung Yao , Yuehua Liu, Xiaojun Wang, Yea-fen Chen, Liangyan Ge, with Hayden, Jeffrey J. Integrated Chinese Simplified Character Edition “Textbook”
Reference Non-Fiction 1949, 1939 Burriss, Eli E., Ph. D. and Lionel Casson, Ph. D. Latin and Greek in Current Use “Textbook”
Reference Reference 1978, 1959 Sakade, Florence A Guide to Reading & Writing Japanese “The 1,850 Basic Characters and the Kana Syllabaries”
Reference Reference 2008 Gilhooly, Helen with Mikiko Kurose teach yourself japanese “includes full coverage of the Japanese script”
Reference Non-Fiction 1992 Burack, Sylvia K. The Writer's Handbook “2700 markets for manuscripts”
Reference Non-Fiction 1984, 1983 Curtis, Richard How To Be Your Own Literary Agent “The Business of Getting Your Book Published”
Reference Short Stories 2011 DeArmond, Allie This Is Terrible “The Writer's Lament”
Reference Sociology 1983, 1973 Farb, Peter Word Play “What Happens When People Talk”
Reference Non-Fiction 1982 Garvey, Daniel E.; Rivers, William L. Broadcast Writing “handbook of syle, format, and technique for writers in the rapidly evolving field of broadcast communication”
Reference Non-Fiction 1984, 1977 Gibaldi, Joseph; Achtert, Walter S. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers “describes a set of conventions governing the written presentation of research”
Reference Non-Fiction 2002 Hacker, Diana The Bedford Handbook “questions you are likely to as as you plan, draft, and revise a piece of writing”
Reference Non-Fiction 1992 Hacker, Diana A Writer's Reference “Provides simple, understandable answers to nearly every common question about grammar and syntax”
Reference Non-Fiction 2001 MacCutcheon, Marc Damn! Why Didn't I Write That? “How Ordinary People are Raking in $100,000.00 ...Or More Writing Nonfiction Books & How You Can Too!”
Reference Short Stories 1991 Pack, Robert; Parini, Jay Writers On Writing “A Bread Loaf Anthology”
Reference Non-Fiction 1989 Parsons, Paul Getting Published “The Acquisition Process at University Presses”
Reference Non-Fiction 1997 Spence, Linda legacy “A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Personal History”
Reference Non-Fiction 1998, 1976 Zinseer, William On Writing Well “The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction”
Reference Non-Fiction 1980 Dickson, Paul The Official Explanations “The All New, Annotated, Illustrated, And Even More Definitive Collection Of Laws, Principles And Instructions For Getting Along In The Real World”
Reference Non-Fiction 1989 Gennaro, Richard De The New York Public Library Desk Reference “The Ultimate One-Volume Collection Of The Most Frequently Sought Information”
Reference Reference 1972, 1967 Edwards, Paul The Encyclopedia of Philosophy “1 and 2, Abbagnano To Entropy”
Reference Reference 1972, 1967 Edwards, Paul The Encyclopedia of Philosophy “3 and 4, Epictetus To Logic”
Reference Reference 1972, 1967 Edwards, Paul The Encyclopedia of Philosophy “5 and 6, Logic to Psychologism”
Reference Reference 1972, 1967 Edwards, Paul The Encyclopedia of Philosophy “7 and 8, Psychology to Zubiri Index”
Literature English Literature 1995 Merriam Webster Encyclopedia of Literature Publications, authors, subjects, eras etc
Literature English Literature 1985, 1932 Drabble, Margaret The Oxford Companion to English Literature Publications, authors, subjects, eras etc
Literature American Literature 1986, 1941 Hart, James David The Oxford Companion to American Literature Publications, authors, subjects, eras etc
Literature Fiction 1990 Abbey, Edward Hayduke Lives! “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1952 Abbott, Edwin A. Flatland, A Romance Of Many Dimensions "The fourth dimension, humor, satire, logic combined into a science-fiction classic that has entertained generations"
Literature Fiction 2021 Abrams, Stacey While Justice Sleeps “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1992 Adams, Douglas Mostly Harmless
Literature Fiction 1981, 1980 Adams, Douglas The Restaurant at the end of the Universe “the sequel to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy”
Literature Fiction 2003, 2002 Adams, Douglas The Salmon Of Doubt “Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time”
Literature Fiction 1975, 1972 Adams, Richard Watership Down “the epic novel of a group of adventurers who desert their doomed city, and venture forth against all odds on a quest for a new home, a sturdier future.”
Literature Non-Fiction 1952 Adler, Mortimer J.; Gorman, William The Great Ideas, A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World Volume I “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1952 Adler, Mortimer J.; Gorman, William The Great Ideas, A Syntopicon of Great Books of the Western World Volume II “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Plays 1987, 1952 Cookson, G. M.; Jebb, Sir Richard C.; Coleridge, Edward P.; Rogers, Benjamin Bickley The Plays Of Aeschylus, The Plays Of Sophocles, The Plays Of Euripides, The Plays Of Aristophanes “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis S. Y. Agnon, Ivo Andrić “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 2006, 2003 Aidan, Pamela An Assembly Such as This “A Novel Of Fitzwillian Darcy, Gentleman”
Literature Fiction 1940 Aiken, Conrad Conversation “or Pilgrims' Progress”
Literature Fiction 2003 Albom, Mitch The Five People You Meet in Heaven “an enchanting, beautifully crafted novel that explores a mystery only heaven can unfold.”
Literature Fiction 2002, 1997 Albom, Mitch Tuesdays with Morrie “An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson”
Literature Fiction 2004, 1868 Alcott, Louisa May Little Women “story of four sisters coming of age against the backdrop of the Civil War”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Norton, Charles Eliot The Divine Comedy Of Dante Alighieri “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 2007, 2002 Spark Publishing Inferno, Dante Alighieri “Today's Most Popular Study Guides, Spark Notes”
Literature Fiction 2006, 1929 Allingham, Margery The Crime at Black Dudley “The 1st Albert Campion Mystery”
Literature Fiction 1988, 1987 Amory, Cleveland The Cat Who Came for Christmas “the transition from a life of independence to a life of being cat-owned.”
Literature Fiction 2009 Angela, Alberto A Day In The Life Of Ancient Rome “beginning at dawn on an ordinary day in the year 115 CE”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Fathers of the English Dominican Province; Sullivan, Daniel J. The Summa Theologica Of Saint Thomas Aquinas Volume I “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Fathers of the English Dominican Province; Sullivan, Daniel J. The Summa Theologica Of Saint Thomas Aquinas Volume II “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Hutchins, Robert Maynard The Works Of Aristotle Volume I “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Hutchins, Robert Maynard The Works Of Aristotle Volume II “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1979 Arneson, D. J. Strange UFO Stories
Literature Non-Fiction 2002 Arthur, Anthony Literary Feuds “A Century Of Celebrated Quarrels - from Mark Twain to Tom Wolfe”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Miguel Angel Asturias, Jacinto Benavente, Henri Bergson “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1980 Auel, Jean M. The Clan Of The Cave Bear “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1991, 1990 Auel, Jean M. The Plains of Passage “fourth in the stunning earth's children series”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Dods, Marcus; Shaw, J. F. The Confessions, The City of God, On Christian Doctrine By Saint Augustine “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1978, 1977 Bach, Richard Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Hospital stay following a plane crash makes pilot reflect
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Bacon, Sir Francis Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum, New Atlantis “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 2017 Bangs, E. L. Unity “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1912 Beach, Rex The Net “A Novel”
Literature Non-Fiction 1991 Baier, Annette C. A Progress of Sentiments “Reflections on Hume's Treatise”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Samuel Beckett, Björnstjerne Björnson, Pearl Buck, Ivan Bunin “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Biography 1978 Bair, Deirdre A Biography, Samuel Beckett “the first biography of the Nobel Prizewinning novelist and playwright”
Literature Fiction 1989 Barnes, Julian A History Of The World In 10½ Chapters “explores the relationship of fact to fabulation and the antagonism between history and love”
Literature Fiction 2004, 1991 Benacquista, Tonino Holy Smoke “The mafia was only the first of Tonio's problems”
Literature Non-Fiction 1942 Benét, Stephen Vincent Selected Works of Stephen Vincent Benét “Volume Two Prose”
Literature Non-Fiction 1962, 1713 Berkeley, George 3 Dialogues Between Hylas And Philonous “The Design of which Is plainly to demonstrate the Reality and Perfection of Humane Knowledge, the Incorporeal Nature of the Soul, and the Immediate Providence of a Deity: In Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists Also, To open a Method for rendering the sciences more easy, useful, and compendious.”
Literature Fiction 2020 Beukes, Lauren Afterland “Men are nearly extince. Three years after the pandemic known as the manfall, governments still hold and life continues - but a world run by women isn't always a better place.”
Literature Fiction 2003, 2000 Blissett, Luther Q “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1995, 1972 McWilliam, G. H. The Decameron Boccaccio, Giovanni
Literature Fiction 2018 Bogel, Anne I'd Rather Be Reading “The Delights And Dilemmas Of The Reading Life”
Literature Short Stories 1989 Bohner, Charles H. Short Fiction “Classic and Contemporary”
Literature Fiction 2012, 1951 Bradbury, Ray Farenheit 451 “The temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns...”
Literature Fiction 1980, 1946 Bradbury, Ray The Martian Chronicles “sometimes eerie, sometimes poetic fantasy about the colonization of Mars.”
Literature Fiction 1988, 1962 Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes “the story of two boys who encounter the sinister wonders of Cooger & Dark's Pandemonium Shadow Show. They will soon discover the show's awful mystery - a mystery that will change the life of every person it touches.”
Literature Fiction 2017 Branchflower, Laura A White Picket Fence “A Novel”
Literature Short Stories 1959 Braude, Jacob M. New Treasure of Stories “For Every Speaking and Writing Occasion” quotes and short stories
Literature Fiction 1996 Braun, Lilian Jackson The Cat Who Said Cheese “As the Great Food Explo is scheduled to begin, a killer is determined to make it an event Pickax City will never forget.”
Literature Fiction 2006, 2004 Braun, Lilian Jackson The Cat Who Went Bananas "the merry atmosphere is dampened by the suspicious death of an out-of-town actor and the theft of a rare book"
Literature Fiction 1993 Braun, Lilian Jackson The Cat Who Went into the Closet “The WPKX radio announcer hunched over the newsdesk in front of a dead microphone, anxiously fingering his script and waiting for the signal to go on the air.”
Literature Fiction 2015 Brockway, Robert The Unnoticeables “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 2008 Brooks, Geraldine People of the Book “a novel”
Literature Fiction 2003 Brown, Dan The Da Vinci Code “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1983, 1982 Brown, Rita Mae Southern Discomfort “a beautiful woman entrenched in old money, white magnolias and a loveless marriage - until she meets a gorgeous young prizefighter”
Literature Non-Fiction 1977, 1956 Buchwald, Art Down The Seine And Up The Potomac With Art Buchwald “over twenty-five yeaers of unforgettable wit and wry observation of the human condition.”
Literature Fiction 1965, 1931 Buck, Pearl S. The Good Earth “story of the honest farmer Wang Lung and his selfless wife O-lan”
Literature Fiction 2014 Bullard, Mark D. Pillows For Your Prison Cell “a king built a windowless prison”
Literature Fiction 1966, 1959 Burroughs, William S. Naked Lunch “With Massachusetts Supreme Court decision and excerpts from the Boston trial”
Literature Non-Fiction 1990 Campbell, Joseph Transformations Of Myth Through Time “Thirteen brilliant final lectures from the renowned master of mythology”
Literature Fiction 1972, 1948 Camus, Albert The Plague “Quarantined from the outside world, Oran becomes a prison of death and disease”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Albert Camus, Winston Churchill “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Giosuè Carducci, Grazia Deledda, Josè Echegaray, T. S. Eliot “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction
Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
Literature Fiction 1997, 1962 Carroll, Lewis Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass “Join Alice on her magical journeys in Wonderland and through the Looking-Glass”
Literature Fiction 2013 Cawdron, Peter Little Green Men “The crew of the Dei Gratia set down on a frozen planet and are attacked by little green men.”
Literature Fiction 2011 Cerrito, Angela The End of the Line “Make a list. Tell me who you are. I am...I am a person I am hungry I am a boy I am 13 years old I am a son, a grandson, a nephew I am sick of this place I am angry I am thirsty I am skinny I am a runner I am a killer murderer”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Ormsby, John The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha By Miguel de Cervantes “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 2002 Philips, Brian; Davidson, Sara Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes “Sparknotes, Today's Most Popular Study Guides”
Literature Fiction 2016 Chang, Jade The Wangs vs. the World “A Novel”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 2006 Chase, Mona R Spiritual Core “Seven Simple Tales Before Sleep and Slumber”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Chaucer, Geoffrey Troilus And Cressida and The Canterbury Tales “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Plays 1968 Hingley, Ronald Chekhov “Ivanov, The Seagull and Three Sisters”
Literature Fiction 2002, 2001 Chevalier, Tracy Falling Angels “the fortunes of two families in the emerging years of the twentieth century”
Literature Fiction 2005, 2004 Chevalier, Tracy The Lady and the Unicorn Inspired by french tapestries
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 2017, 2021 Chung, Bora Cursed Bunny “horrors and cruelties of patriarchy and capitalism in modern society”
Literature Fiction 1984 Clancy, Tom The Hunt for Red October “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 2013, 2008 Clare, Cassandra City of Ashes Young Lady is a “shadowhunter” and slays various fantasy monsters
Literature Fiction 2010 Clark, Jerome Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Beings from Other Worlds Collected information about fantasy lands and creatures
Literature Non-Fiction 1989 Colbert, David The Birth of the Ballad “The Scandinavian Medieval Genre”
Literature Fiction 2014 Colgan, Jenny the loveliest Chocolate Shop IN PARIS “a novel with recipes”
Literature Fiction 1999 Collins, Wilkie The Moonstone “A fabulous yellow diamond becomes the dangerous inheritance of beautiful young heiress Rachel Verinder”
Literature Fiction 2003, 2001 Connelly, Michael A Darkness More Than Night “It was a case some cops could live with: the torture killing of a man who spread horrors of his own.”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1987, 1942 Conrad, Joseph A Conrad Argosy
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1907, 1923 Conrad, Joseph A Set Of Six “Conrad's Short Stories Complete, Vol. IV”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1903, 1923 Conrad, Joseph Falk “Conrad's Short Stories Complete, Vol. III”
Literature Fiction 1929, 1899 Conrad, Joseph Lord Jim “A Romance”
Literature Fiction 1916, 1907 Conrad, Joseph The Secret Agent “A Simple Tale”
Literature Fiction 1924, 1917 Conrad, Joseph The Shadow Line “A Confession”
Literature Fiction 1925 Conrad, Joseph Suspense “A Napoleonic Novel”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1898, 1923 Conrad, Joseph Tales Of Unrest “Conrad's Short Stories Complete, Vol. I”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1912, 1923 Conrad, Joseph Twixt Land And Sea “Conrad's Short Stories Complete, Vol. V”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1930, 1902 Conrad, Joseph Typhoon “And Other Stories”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1911, 1923 Conrad, Joseph Within The Tides “Conrad's Short Stories Complete, Vol. VI”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1991 Coupland, Douglas Generation X “Tales For An Accelerated Culture”
Literature Fiction 1998 Coupland, Douglas Girlfriend in a Coma “she descends into a coma. Nine months later, she gives birth to a daughter”
Literature Fiction 1983, 1895 Crane, Stephen The Red Badge of Courage “study of a young soldier's struggle”
Literature Fiction 2022 Crockett, J. Nostalgic Blood “Shh... don't say a word” *signed
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1900 Crowell, Thomas Y. & Co. The Arabian Nights “Handy Volume Classics”
Literature Fiction 1977, 1976 Cussler, Clive Raise the Titanic! “Terror And Mystery 2 1/2 Miles Down... The World's Most Incredible Adventure Thriller...”
Literature Fiction 2009 Cussler, Clive with Paul Kemprecos Medusa, A Kurt Austin Adventure “A Novel from THE NUMA FILES”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 2008 D'Ambrosio, Charles The Dead Fish Museum “stories”
Literature Fiction 2000 Danielewski, Mark Z. House of Leaves “a young family moves into a small house on Ash Tree Lane where they discover something terribly wrong: their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside”
Literature Fiction 2010, 1981 Daumal, René Mount Analogue “A Tale of Non-Euclidian and Symbolically Authentic Mountaineering Adventures”
Literature Fiction 1968 Defoe, Daniel Robinson Crusoe “A disastrous shipwreck while sailing as a trader to Africa...”
Literature Non-Fiction 1973, 1911 Haldane, Elizabeth S. and G. R. T. Ross The Philosophical Works of Descartes “Volume I”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Haldane, Elizabeth S. and G. R. T. Ross; Smith, David Eugene and Marcia L. Latham; Stirling, A. H. Rules for the Direction of the Mind, Discourse on the Method, Meditations on First Philosophy, Objections against the Meditations and Replies, The Geometry By René Descartes, Ethis By Benedict De Spinoza “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1989, 1988 Dexter, Pete Paris Trout “a shocking crime that eats away at the social fabric of a small town”
Literature Fiction 1973 Dickens, Charles Pictures from Italy “The book resulted from a prolonged visit to Genoa, where Dickens took his family to stay in 1844”
Literature Fiction 2018 DiLouie, Craig One Of Us “They call it the plague - A generation of children born with extreme genetic mutations”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Garnett, Constance The Brothers Karamazov By Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 2020, 1869 Dostoevsky, Fyodor The Idiot “Prince Myshkin arrives in St Petersburg and is at once confronted with the stark realities of life”
Literature Non-Fiction
Drummond, Henry The Greatest Thing In The World
Literature Fiction 2001, 2000 Eggers, Dave A Heart Breaking Work of Staggering Genius “Mistakes, Horrible Ones, We Knew, We Meant, We Were, To Make, Making”
Literature Non-Fiction 1922, 1921 Ellis, Havelock Little Essays Of Love And Virtue “fundamental principles, together with their practical application to the life of our time”
Literature Fiction 2012 Englander, Nathan What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank “stories”
Literature Fiction 2003 Fielding, Helen Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination “fearless, dazzling, independent beauty-journalist turned master spy”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Rudolf Eucken, Anatole France, John Galsworthy “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1995, 1994 Evanovich, Janet One for the Money “Trenton native Stephanie Plus is out of work”
Literature Fiction 1996 Evanovich, Janet Two for the Dough “A Stephanie Plum Novel”
Literature Fiction 2014 Faber, Michel The Book Of Strange New Things “A Novel” *signed
Literature Fiction 1972, 1936 Faulkner, William Absalom, Absalom!
Literature Fiction 1964, 1930 Faulkner, William As I Lay Dying “a family's struggle to get their mother properly buried”
Literature Fiction 1974, 1929 Faulkner, William Flags In The Dust “The complete text of Faulkner's third novel, which appeared in a cut version as Sartoris”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis William Faulkner, Eugene O'Neill, John Steinbeck “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Fielding, Henry The History Of Tom Jones A Foundling “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1982, 1885 Flaubert, Gustave Madame Bovary “A Story Of Provincial Life”
Literature Fiction 1953 Fleming, Ian Casino Royale “A James Bond Novel”
Literature Fiction 1965, 1957 Fleming, Ian The Diamond Smugglers “The chilling, spy-studded story of a carefully organized, private intelligence army - and the master operative who ingeniously commanded it.”
Literature Fiction 1956 Fleming, Ian Diamonds Are Forever “A James Bond Thriller”
Literature Fiction 1958 Fleming, Ian Doctor No “A James Bond Thriller”
Literature Fiction 1964, 1959 Fleming, Ian For Your Eyes Only “Five Secret Exploits Of James Bond”
Literature Fiction 1957 Fleming, Ian From Russia, With Love “A James Bond Novel”
Literature Fiction 1959 Fleming, Ian Goldfinger “A James Bond Thriller”
Literature Fiction 1964, 1954 Fleming, Ian Live And Let Die “A James Bond Thriller”
Literature Fiction 1966, 1965 Fleming, Ian The Man With The Golden Gun “The Last James Bond Novel”
Literature Fiction 1964, 1955 Fleming, Ian Moonraker “A James Bond Thriller”
Literature Fiction 1966, 1962 Fleming, Ian Octopussy, The last 2 “In the eerie worlds of scorpionfish and Checkpoint Charlie with James Bond, Her Majesty's Agent 007”
Literature Fiction 1964, 1963 Fleming, Ian On Her Majesty's Secret Service “A James Bond Thriller”
Literature Fiction 1962 Fleming, Ian The Spy Who Loved Me “A James Bond Novel”
Literature Fiction 1961 Fleming, Ian Thunderball “A James Bond Thriller”
Literature Fiction 1965, 1964 Fleming, Ian You Only Live Twice “James Bond Secret Agent 007”
Literature Biography 1966 Gant, Richard Ian Fleming: The Fantastic 007 Man “Sexy, Stylish, Sensational - The Full Story Of A Life In The Success Book That Caused A Scandal In Switched-On England”
Literature Fiction 2006, 2005 Foer, Jonathan Safran Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close “Nine-year-old Oskar Schell has embarked on an urgent, secret mission that will take him through the five boroughs of New York.”
Literature Fiction 1939, 1938 Foreseter, Cecil Scott Captain Horatio Hornblower “Beat to Quarters”
Literature Fiction 1939, 1938 Foreseter, Cecil Scott Captain Horatio Hornblower “II Ship of the Line”
Literature Fiction 1939, 1938 Foreseter, Cecil Scott Captain Horatio Hornblower “III Flying Colors”
Literature Fiction 1921 Forster, E. M. Howards End “about the rights of property, about a destroyed will-and-testament and rightful and wrongful heirs”
Literature Fiction 1985 Fowles, John A Maggot “When one traveller is found hanging from a tree and another vanishes into thin air, an inquiry is undertaken”
Literature Fiction 2003, 2000 Gainax FLCL “Volume 1”
Literature Fiction 2003, 2001 Gainax FLCL “Volume 2”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 2005 Gallagher, D.S. Gems of Discovery “Short Stories for the Soul”
Literature Fiction 1984, 1983 Gardner, John Icebreaker “Ian Fleming's Master Spy James Bond in”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Geisinger, Marion Plays, Players & Playwrights “An Illustrated History of the Theatre”
Literature Short Stories 2010 Gelman, Rita Golden With Maria Altobelli Female NomaD and Friends “Tales of Breaking Free and Breaking Bread Around the World”
Literature Fiction 1999 Gerritsen, Tess Gravity “young NASA doctor must combat a lethal microbe that is multiplying in the deadliest of environments: space”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Andrè Gide, Karl Gjellerup, Paul Heyse “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 2020 Gingrich, Newt and Pete Earley Shakedown “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1956 Gipson, Fred Old Yeller “The stray dog was ugly, and a thieving rascal, too. But he sure was clever, and a smart dog could be a big help on the wild Texas frontier, especially with Papa away on a long cattle drive up to Abilene. Strong and courageous, Old Yeller proved that he could protect Travis's family from any sort of danger. But can Travis do the same for Old Yeller?”
Literature Non-Fiction 1998, 1997 Glymour, Clark Thinking Things Through “An Introduction To Philosophical Issues and Achievements”
Literature Fiction 1985, 1983 Goldstein, Rebecca The Mind-Body Problem “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1995, 1988 Goethe The Collected Works, volume 11 “The Sorrows of Young Werther, Elective Affinities, Novella”
Literature Fiction 1985, 1962 von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Faust Part I “the legendary German alchemist one of the central myths of the western world”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Priest, George Madison Faust Parts One And Two By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1990 Gotfryd, Bernard Anton The Dove Fancier “And Other Tales of the Holocaust”
Literature Fiction 1908, 1915 Graham, Kenneth The Wind in the Willows
Literature Fiction 1953 Graham, Winston Demelza “A Novel Of Cornwall, 1788-1790”
Literature Non-Fiction 1975, 1969 Gray, John Near Eastern Mythology “Mesopotamia Syria Palestine”
Literature Non-Fiction 2015 Gray, John The Soul of the Marionette “A Short Inquiry into Human Freedom”
Literature Fiction 2003 Gregory, Constantine The Vampire Watcher's HANDBOOK “A guide for slayers”
Literature Fiction 2008, 2005 Green, John Looking For Alaska “the sometimes crazy, possibly unstable, and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School”
Literature Plays 1967, 1960 Grene, David and Richmond Lattimore Greek Tragedies “Volume 1”
Literature Fiction 1991 Grisham, John The Firm “'They offered him a job he should have refused...'”
Literature Fiction 1982, 1976 Guest, Judith Ordinary People “The Jarretts Are Ordinary People. And They're Coming Apart.”
Literature Fiction 2022, 2020 Gurnah, Abdulrazak Afterlives “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1965 Hamilton, Donald The Devastators “toughened secret agen Matt Helm never fails to pull off a first-rate adventure”
Literature Fiction 1973, 1972 Hamilton, Donald The Intriguers “The New Matt Helm Book”
Literature Fiction 1971 Hamilton, Donald The Poisoners “The NEW MATT HELM Adventure”
Literature Fiction 1976 Hamilton, Donald The Retaliators “New Matt Helm”
Literature Fiction 1982 Hamilton, Donald The Revengers “Mean but honest, tough but fair - Back in an all-new super adventure!”
Literature Fiction 1964 Hamilton, Donald The Shadowers “A brand new MATT HELM suspense novel”
Literature Fiction 1983, 1977 Hamilton, Donald The Terrorizers “A terrific adventure featuring the incrediple Matt Helm”
Literature Fiction 1992 Hamilton, Donald The Threateners “An old flame. A simple favor. It's a mix that might get Matt Helm killed...”
Literature Fiction 1986 Hamilton, Donald The Vanishers “When prominent people disappear without a trace, there's only one man to call. Matt Helm.”
Literature Non-Fiction 1942, 1930 Hamilton, Edith The Greek Way “Based on a thorough study of Greek life and civilization, of Greek literature, philosophy, and art”
Literature Non-Fiction 2007, 2003 Spark Publishing Mythology, Edith Hamilton “Today's Most Popular Study Guides, Spark Notes”
Literature Fiction 1994, 1891 Hardy, Thomas Tess of the D'Urbervilles “country girl's seduction by another man which causes her husband to leaver her on their wedding night and thereby precipitates a course of events that ends in murder”
Literature Fiction 2000, 1999 Harris, Joanne Chocolat, a Novel “beautiful, unmarried Vianne Rocher sweeps into the pinched little French town of Lansquenet on the heels of the carnival and opens a gem of a chocolate shop”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Gerhart Hauptmann, Verner von Heidenstam, Johannes V. Jensen “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Non-Fiction 1915 Heine, Heinrich Werke
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Knox, T. M.; Sibree, J. The Philosophy of Right, The Philosophy of History By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 2003, 1961 Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger In A Strange Land “The Original Uncut Version Of The Bestselling Classic”
Literature Fiction 1970, 1955 Heller, Joseph Catch-22
Literature Fiction 1957, 1929 Hemingway, Ernest A Farewell To Arms “Stories By”
Literature Fiction 1958, 1925 Hemingway, Ernest In Our Time “A Novel By”
Literature Fiction 2003, 1952 Hemingway, Ernest The Old Man and the Sea “the story of an old Cuban fisherman, down on his luck, and his supreme ordeal - a relentless, agonizing battle with a giant marlin far our in the Gulf Stream.”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Ernest Hemingway, Knut Hamsun, Herman Hesse “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1927, 1921 Hémon, Louis Maria Chapdelaine “A Tale Of The Lake St. John Country”
Literature Fiction 2006 Herbert, Brian and Kevin J. Anderson Hunters Of Dune “Based on an outline by Frank Herbert”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1985 Herbert, Frank Chapterhouse: Dune “The Final Chapter of the Bestselling Science Fiction Adventure of All Time”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1976 Herbert, Frank Children Of Dune “Book Three in the DUNE chronicles”
Literature Fiction 2010, 1965 Herbert, Frank Dune “the story of the boy Paul Atreides - who would become known as Muad'Dib - and of a great family's ambition to bring to fruition humankind's most ancient and unattainable dream.”
Literature Fiction 1984, 1969 Herbert, Frank Dune Messiah “Book Two in the Dune chronicles”
Literature Fiction 1972 Herbert, Frank Thrilling Science Fiction “A New Collection Of Great S.F. Stories”
Literature Fiction 1974, 1973 Herriot, James All Things Bright and Beautiful “The warm and joyful sequel to ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL”
Literature Fiction 2022 Heti, Sheila Pure Colour “A Novel”
Literature Non-Fiction 2019 Hicks, Jim The Massachusetts Review, Vol. LX, No. 4 “A Quarterly Of Literature The Arts And Public Affairs”
Literature Fiction 2017, 2016 Hill, Nathan The Nix “Samuel Anresen-Anderson hasn't seen his mother, Faye, in decades - not since she abandoned the family when he was a boy.” *signed
Literature Fiction 2004 Hillerman, Tony Skeleton Man “Former Navajo Tribal Police lieutenant Joe Leaphorn comes out of retirement to help investigate what seems to be a trading post robbery”
Literature Fiction 1982, 1967 Hinton, S. E. The Outsiders “Ponyboy is sixteen, tough and confused, yet sensitive beneath his bold front.”
Literature Essays 2012 Hitchens, Christopher Arguably Essays
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Butler, Samuel The Iliad Of Homer and The Odyssey “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 2007, 2002 Spark Publishing The Iliad, Homer “Today's Most Popular Study Guides, Spark Notes”
Literature Non-Fiction 2007, 2002 Spark Publishing Odyssey, Homer “Today's Most Popular Study Guides, Spark Notes”
Literature Fiction 1972, 1968 Hoopes, Ned E. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves and nine other tales from The Arabian Nights “Astonishing Tales from the East”
Literature Fiction 1995 Hornby, Nick High Fidelity “Rob is a pop music junkie who runs his own semi-failing record store”
Literature Fiction 2005, 2003 Hosseini, Khaled The Kite Runner “A moving portrait of modern Afghanistan”
Literature Fiction 1989, 1986 Hubbard, L. Ron An Alien Affair “Mission Earth Volume Four”
Literature Fiction 1905, 1894 Hugo, Victor Bug-Jargal, to which are added Claude Gueux, and The Last Days Of A Condemned
Literature Fiction 1905, 1894 Hugo, Victor Hans Of Iceland
Literature Fiction 1904, 1888 Hugo, Victor The Man Who Laughs Vol. I
Literature Fiction 1904, 1888 Hugo, Victor The Man Who Laughs Vol. II
Literature Fiction 1905, 1887 Hugo, Victor Les Misérables I. Fantine
Literature Fiction 1905, 1887 Hugo, Victor Les Misérables II. Cosette
Literature Fiction 1905, 1887 Hugo, Victor Les Misérables III. Marius
Literature Fiction 1905, 1887 Hugo, Victor Les Misérables IV. The Idyll and The Epic
Literature Fiction 1905, 1887 Hugo, Victor Les Misérables V. Jean Valjean
Literature Fiction 1904, 1888 Hugo, Victor Ninety-Three
Literature Fiction 1904, 1888 Hugo, Victor Notre Dame De Paris. Vol. I
Literature Fiction 1904, 1888 Hugo, Victor Notre Dame De Paris. Vol. II
Literature Fiction 1904, 1888 Hugo, Victor Toilers Of The Sea Vol. I
Literature Fiction 1904, 1888 Hugo, Victor Toilers Of The Sea Vol. II
Literature Non-Fiction 1927 Hendel Jr., Charles W. Hume “Selections”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Hutchins, Robert M. The Great Conversation, The Substance of a Liberal Conversation “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1970, 1954 Huxley, Aldous The Doors Of Perception “experiment with a little-known drug”
Literature Fiction 1990 Indiana, Gary Horse Crazy “insane, glorious, totally irresistible affair of the heart”
Literature Non-Fiction 1994 Inwood, Brad and L. P. Gerson The Epicurus Reader “Selected Writings and Testimonia”
Literature Fiction 1897, 1894 Jacobs, W. W. Many Cargoes
Literature Fiction 2004 Jacobson, Howard The Making of Henry “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1960, 1877 James, Henry The American “a fine example of his earlier period”
Literature Fiction 1964, 1953 James, Henry Selected Fiction “Daisy Miller (1879), Washington Square (1881), The Aspern Papers (1888), The Pupil (1892), The Beast in the Jungle (1903), The Jolly Corner (1909), The Art of Fiction (1888)”
Literature Fiction 1980 James, P. D. Innocent Blood “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 2021 Jeffers, Honorée Fanonne The Love Songs of W. E. B. Du Bois “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1976 Jenkins, Dan & Edwin Shrake Limo “A Novel”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Juan Ramón Jiménez, Erik Axel Karlfeldt, Pär Lagerkvist, Selma Lagerlöf “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Non-Fiction 1920 Johanson, Joel Marcus Essays Verse And Letters
Literature Fiction 1990, 1989 Johnson, Joyce In The Night Café “It is the early '60s in Greenwich Village”
Literature Non-Fiction 1997, 1994 Johnston, Susanna Parties, A Literary Companion “Weddings Wakes, the Cocktail Hour and more”
Literature Fiction 2021, 2020 Jones, Darynda A Bad Day For Sunshine “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1976 Jones, Gayl Eva's Man “gripping psychological portrait of a woman unable to love for fear of pain”
Literature Fiction 1961, 1939 Joyce, James Finnegans Wake
Literature Fiction 2004, 1916 Joyce, James A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man and Dubliners “two earliest, and perhaps most accessible, successes”
Literature Fiction 1961, 1914 Joyce, James Ulysses “Complete And Unexpurgated”
Literature Fiction 1979 Kafka, Franz The Basic Kafka “The Most Comprehensive Collection Of The Works Of Kafka Ever Published In One Volume”
Literature Fiction 1963 Kane, Frank “ring-a-ding-ding” “A New Johnny Liddell Thriller”
Literature Fiction 2006, 2001 Kanon, Joseph The Good German “A Novel”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Meiklejohn, J. M. D.; Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill; Hastie, W.; Meredith, James Creed The Critique of Pure Reason, The Critique of Practical Reason And Other Ethical Treatises, The Critique of Judgement By Immanuel Kant “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Yasunari Kawabata, Rudyard Kipling, Sinclair Lewis “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1978 Kaye, Mary Margaret The Far Pavilions
Literature Fiction 1997 Kennedy, A. L. Original Bliss “Emotionally numb, crippled with insomnia, and caught in a frightening, abusive marriage, Helen Brindle believes that God has recently left her.” *signed
Literature Non-Fiction 1976, 1955 Kerouac, Jack On The Road “The Classic Novel Of The Beat Generation”
Literature Fiction 1986, 1962 Kesey, Ken One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest “life in a mental hospital”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1985 Kessler, Jascha Classical Illusions “twenty-eight stories”
Literature Fiction 2003, 2002 Kidd, Sue Monk The Secret Life of Bees “a novel”
Literature Short Stories 1947 Kielty, Bernadine A Treasury Of Short Stories “Favorites of the past hundred years from Turgenev to Thurber from Balzac to Hemmingway with biographical sketches of the authors”
Literature Fiction 1976, 1975 King, Florence Southern Ladies And Gentlemen “America's sexiest southern exposure”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1923, 1909 Kipling, Rudyard Actions And Reactions
Literature Fiction 1930, 1896 Kipling, Rudyard Captains Courageous
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1932, 1894 Kipling, Rudyard The Day's Work
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1929, 1892 Kipling, Rudyard Departmental Ditties And Ballads And Barrack Room Ballads
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1928, 1903 Kipling, Rudyard The Five Nations
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1928, 1893 Kipling, Rudyard The Jungle Book
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1931, 1902 Kipling, Rudyard Just So Stories, For Little Children
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1927, 1910 Kipling, Rudyard Rewards And Fairies
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1928, 1895 Kipling, Rudyard Second Jungle Book
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1926, 1893 Kipling, Rudyard Seven Seas
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1923, 1896 Kipling, Rudyard Soldier Stories
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1930, 1899 Kipling, Rudyard Soldiers Three The Story Of The Gadsbys In Black And White
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1929, 1897 Kipling, Rudyard Stalky And Company
Literature Fiction 1930, 1900 Kipling, Rudyard Kim
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1929, 1891 Kipling, Rudyard Life's Handicaps Being Stories of Mine Own People
Literature Fiction 1929, 1899 Kipling, Rudyard The Light That Failed
Literature Fiction 1926, 1891 Kipling, Rudyard The Naulahka “A Story of West and East”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1928, 1899 Kipling, Rudyard Plain Tales from the Hills
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1930, 1905 Kipling, Rudyard Puck Of Pook's Hill
Literature Fiction 2001 Kirn, Walter Up in the Air “A Novel”
Literature Historical Fiction 2013 Kline, Christina Baker Orphan Train Two orphans experience America's early adoption system
Literature Fiction 1992 Kluger, Richard The Sheriff of Nottingham “stunning blend of imagination, legend, and fact”
Literature Fiction 1980 Krantz, Judith Princess Daisy “The Story of a Princess Who Loses Her Fortune- and Finds Herself”
Literature Non-Fiction 1982 Kripke, Saul A. Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language “An Elementary Exposition”
Literature Historical Fiction 2014 Kuntz, Sara Gill Next to Heaven “Susan is a young girl chosen by her papa from among her many sisters to leave home and to earn her keep.” *signed
Literature Fiction 1998, 1996 Laurie, Hugh The Gun Seller “A Novel”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Halldór Laxness, Maurice Maeterlinck, Thomas Mann “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1982, 1960 Lee, Harper To Kill A Mocking Bird Children of a lawyer in small American town trying a difficult case
Literature Fiction 1979 Leffland, Ella Rumors of Peace “A Novel”
Literature Short Stories 2000 Lenček, Lena and Gideon Bosker Beach “Stories by the Sand and Sea”
Literature Non-Fiction 1970 Leobuchhandlung Springs Of African Wisdom “Traditional Sayings Of African Peoples: Baya, Ganda, Hausa, Herero, Swahili, and others”
Literature Non-Fiction 1970 Leobuchhandlung Springs of Persian Wisdom “Furdausî, Hâfis, Nisâmî, Omar Chayyâm, Sa'di”
Literature Fiction 2001, 1946 Lewis, Clive Staples The Great Divorce “The writer, in a dream, boards a bus on a drizzly afternoon and embarks on an incredible voyage through Heaven and Hell.”
Literature Fiction 1980 1920 Lewis, Sinclair Main Street “The lonely predicaments of Carol Kennicott, caught between her desires for social reform and individual happiness, reflects the position in which America's turn-of-the-century, “emancipated woman” found herself.”
Literature Fiction 1987 Lively, Penelope Moon Tiger “a best-selling author of popular history, lies alone in a London hospital bed”
Literature Fiction 2023, 2022 Lloyd, Chris Paris Requiem “A Novel”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Locke, John; Berkeley, George; Hume, David A Letter Concerning Toleration, Concerning Civil Government, Second Essay An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, The Principles of Human Knowledge, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1990, 1986 London, Jack The Call of the Wild “Can Buck Resist The Lure Of The Wolves?”
Literature Fiction 1991, 1906 London, Jack White Fang Story about wolves, dogs and people in the wild
Literature Fiction 1981 Long, William Stuart The Traitors, Volume III of The Australians “The third magnificent book in the bestselling saga begun with THE EXILES and THE SETTLERS”
Literature Fiction 1962, 1300 Lorris, Guillaume de and Jean de Meun The Romance of the Rose “The first complete English translation of this masterpiece of medieval literature”
Literature Non-Fiction 2011 Lovecraft, H. P. Letters to James F. Morton “intellectual interests, ranging from freethought to socialism, from amateur journalism to crossword puzzles”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Munro, H. A. J.; Long, George Lucretius: On the Nature of Things, The Discourses of Epictetus, The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1990 Ludlum, Robert The Bourne Ultimatum “antagonists circle each other in an ever-narrowing confrontation”
Literature Fiction 1982 Ludlum, Robert The Parsifal Mosaic “espionage and intrigue at the highest-and lowest-levels of international deception”
Literature Fiction 1936 Lum, Bertha Gangplanks To The East
Literature Fiction 2004 Lustbader, Eric Van The Bourne Legacy “Robert Ludlum's Bestselling Character Jason Bourne in”
Literature Fiction 1978 MacDonald, John D. The Empty Copper Sea “Spellbinding New Travis McGee Suspense Novel”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Marriott, W. K.; Fuller, Nelle The Prince By Nicolò Machiavelli, Leviathan, Or, Matter, Form, and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiastical and Civil By Thomas Hobbes “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Short Stories 1985, 1956 Mack, Maynard The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces “Volume 2”
Literature Non-Fiction 1990 Magill, Frank N. Masterpieces of World Philosophy “Nearly 100 classics of the world's greatest philosophers analyzed and explained”
Literature Fiction 1995 Maguire, Gregory Wicked “The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West”
Literature Fiction 2020 Mai, Nguyễn Phan Quế The Mountains Sing “multigenerational tale of the Trần family, set against the backdrop of the Việt Nam War.” *signed
Literature Fiction 2022 Mallery, Susan The Boardwalk Bookshop “Part bookstore, part gifts shop, part bakery, it's a dream come true for Bree, Mikki and Ashley”
Literature Fiction 1936, 1930 Mann, Thomas Death In Venice “and Seven Other Stories”
Literature Fiction 1999, 1934 Mann, Thomas Joseph And His Brothers “recasting of the famous biblical tale”
Literature Fiction 2001 Martel, Yann Life of Pi “When Pi is sixteen, his family and their zoo animals emigrate from India to North America”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Roger Martin du Gard, Gabriela Mistral, Boris Pasternak “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 2008, 1980 Matheson, Richard Somewhere in Time “The unforgettable story of a love that transcends the boundaries of time”
Literature Fiction 1983, 1915 Maugham, William Somerset Of Human Bondage “an autobiographical novel in which fact and fiction are inextricably mixed”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1957 Maugham, William Somerset The Best Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham Compiled by John Beecroft
Literature Non-Fiction 1947 Mauldin, Bill Back Home cartoons and stories
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1950, 1945 Maupassant, Guy De Selected Tales of Guy De Maupassant “Edited, with an introduction , by Saxe Commins”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis François Mauriac, Frédéric Mistral, Theodor Mommsen “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1978, 1968 McCaffrey, Anne Dragonflight “Volume 1 of “The Dragonriders of Pern””
Literature Fiction 1989 McGinniss, Joe Blind Faith “The Marshalls were the model family of Toms River, New Jersey, living the American dream”
Literature Fiction 2012, 2011 McLain, Paula The Paris Wife “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1988, 1983 McMurtry, Larry The Desert Rose “a Las Vegas showgirl with the best legs in town and three peacocks in her back yard”
Literature Fiction 2002, 1961 McMurtry, Larry Horseman, Pass By “tells the story of Homer Bannon, an old-time cattleman who epitomizes the frontier values of honesty and decency, and Hud, his unscrupulous stepson.”
Literature Fiction 1936 Meade, Julian R. Adam's Profession “And Its Conquest By Eve”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Melville, Herman Moby Dick; or, The Whale “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1964, 1949 Melville, Herman Pierre, Or, The Ambiguities “pilgrim-like progress to defeat and damnation”
Literature Fiction 1982, 1980 Michener, James A. The Covenant “The best and worst of two continents carve an empire out of the vast wilderness that is to become South Africa”
Literature Fiction 1971 Michener, James A. The Drifters “six young runaways adrift in a world they have created out of dreams, drugs, and dedication to pleasure”
Literature Fiction 1974, 1950 Michener, James A. Return to Paradise “She was not a girl of extraordinary beauty, but she was handsomely proportioned and majestically straight in the Polynesian fashion”
Literature Fiction 1969, 1965 Michener, James A. The Source “monumental and imaginative novel of the old-new nation Israel.”
Literature Plays 1967, 1952 Miller, Arthur The Crucible “the grim days of the Salem witch trials”
Literature Plays 1976, 1949 Miller, Arthur Death of a Salesman “Certain Private Conversations In Two Acts And A Requiem”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1961 Miller, Henry Tropic of Capricorn “frank portrayal of life in Brooklyn's ethnic neighborhoods and Miller's outrageous sexual exploits”
Literature Collection 1993 Miller, John On Suicide “Great Writers on the Ultimate Question”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Milton, John English Minor Poems, Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes, Areopagitica “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Historical Fiction 1986, 1936 Mitchell, Margaret Gone With the Wind Small city life in early America
Literature Plays 1981, 1968 Molière, , Jean-Baptiste Poquelin The Misanthrope and Other Plays “the mature flowering of his artistry and the most profound development of his vision of humanity.”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Cotton, Charles; Hazlitt, W. Carew The Essays of Michel Eyquem de Montaigne “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Nugent, Thomas; Prichard, J. V.; Cole, G. D. H. The Spirit of Laws By Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, A Discourse on Political Economy, The Social Contract By Jean Jacques Rousseau “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1977 Morrison, Toni Song of Solomon Multiple generations of an American family
Literature Fiction 1893 Mühlbach, L. Andreas Hofer “An Historical Novel
Literature Sociology 1973 Muir, John the Velvet Monkey Wrench “presents a way for mankind to exist on this planet, in balance, sensibly using hwat Earth has to offer”
Literature American Literature 1993 Mullane, Deirdre Crossing the Danger Water “Three Hundred Years of African-American Writing”
Literature Fiction 1961, 2002 Naipaul, V. S. A House for Mr. Biswas, A Bend in the River “two of his best novels”
Literature Fiction 2001 Naipaul, Vidiadhar Surajprasad Half A Life “narrative that takes us across three continents”
Literature Selection 2019 Nemens, Emily 231 the Paris Review “Winter 2019”
Literature Selection 2020 Nemens, Emily 232 the Paris Review “Spring 2020”
Literature Non-Fiction 2003, 1973 Nietzsche, Friedrich Beyond Good and Evil “Prelude To A Philosophy Of The Future”
Literature Fiction 2018 Nix, Martin E. Star Trek - Screen Play “OWA, The Great Flood”
Literature Non-Fiction 1947 Roberts, Henry C. The Complete Prophecies Of Nostradamus Commentary and translation of collected verses
Literature Historical Fiction 1994, 1972 O'Brian, Patrick Post Captain Ship captain in France
Literature Non-Fiction 1958 Olson, Sigurd F. Listening Point “tells of what I have seen and heard on a bare glaciated spit of rock in the Quetico-Superior country.”
Literature Non-Fiction 1990, 1963 Olson, Sigurd F. Runes Of The North “A book of legends, reflections, and adventures, set in the vast wilderness of the North that sweeps from the Questico-Superior and Hudson Bay to the Yukon and Alaska”
Literature Non-Fiction 1956 Olson, Sigurd F. The Singing Wilderness “A vibrant book of discovery that re-creates the sights and sounds of the Quetico-Superior country and explores with deep insight the permanent values of a great wilderness area”
Literature Plays 1960, 1958 Gregory, Horace Ovid, The Metamorphoses “panorama of the Greek and Roman myths - here presented in a complete new version by a noted poet, scholar, and critic.”
Literature Fiction 2005 Page, Jean Reynolds Accidental Happiness "A Novel" *signed
Literature Fiction 2015 Pearl, Matthew The Last Bookaneer “book'a-neer'[bŏŏk'kå-nēr'], n. a literary pirate; an individual capable of doing all that must be done in the universe of books that publishers, authors, and readers must not have a part in”
Literature Fiction 1994, 1993 Pearson, T. R. Cry Me A River “murder and its consequences in a small Southern town”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis St.-John Perse, Luigi Pirandello, Henrik Pontoppidan, Salvatore Quasimodo “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Non-Fiction 1956, 1945 Cornford, Francis Macdonald The Republic Of Plato
Literature Non-Fiction 1974 Grube, G. M. A. Plato's Republic
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 Jowett, Benjamin; Harward, J. The Dialogues of Plato, The Seventh Letter “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1987, 1952 MacKenna, Stephen and B. S. Page Plotinus, The Six Enneads “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Non-Fiction 2013 Poe, Edgar Allan Eureka “An Essay On The Material And Spiritual Universe.”
Literature Fiction 2003 Poe, Edgar Allan Great Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe “21 Short Story Masterpieces Plus 34 Narrative and Lyric Poems”
Literature Non-Fiction 1978 Putnam, Hilary Meaning and the Moral Sciences “International Library of Philosophy and Scientific Method”
Literature Fiction 2013 Pynchon, Thomas Bleeding Edge “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 2004 Quindlen, Anna Imagind London "A Tour of the World's Greatest Fictional City"
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Urquhart, Sir Thomas and Peter Motteux Gargantua And Pantagruel By François Rabelais “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 2021 Rambo, Cat You Sexy Thing “No Peace For Old Soldiers”
Literature Fiction 1998 Ramsland, Katherine Piercing the Darkness “Undercover with Vampires in America Today”, investigative journalism
Literature Fiction 1971, 1943 Rand, Ayn The Fountainhead “tells of the desperate battle waged by architect Howard Roark, whose genius and integrity were as unyielding as granite...”
Literature Non-Fiction 2003 Davidson, Sara Anthem, Ayn Rand “Sparknotes, Today's Most Popular Study Guides”
Literature Selection 1955 The Readers Digest Association Reader's Digest Condensed Books “Autumn 1955 Selections Volume Twenty-three”
Literature Fiction 1982, 1928 Remarque, Erich Maria All Quiet on the Western Front “This is the testament of Paule Bäumer, who enlists with his classmates in the German army of World War I.”
Literature Fiction 1972 Renault, Mary The Persian Boy “her story of Alexander, leaving us with an incomparable picture of the conqueror and his world”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Ladislas Reymont, Romain Rolland, Bertrand Russell “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1994, 1989 Ribeiro, João Ubaldo The Lizard's Smile “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1991, 1980 Rushdie, Salman Midnight's Children “Saleem is not prepared for: telepathic powers that connect him with 1,000 other “midnight's children”-all born in the initial hour of India's independence-and an uncanny sense of smell that allows him to sniff out dangers others can't perceive”
Literature Non-Fiction 1984, 1949 Ryle, Gilbert The Concept of Mind “linguistic analysis remaps the conceptual geography of mind”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Nelly Sachs, Jean-Paul Sartre, George Bernard Shaw, Frans Eemil Sillanpää, René Sully-Prudhomme “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1991, 1945 Salinger, J. D. The Catcher In The Rye
Literature Fiction 1997, 1995 Saramungo, José Blindness “A city is struck by an epidemic of “white blindness””
Literature Fiction 1958 Sarraute, Nathalie Portrait of a Man Unknown
Literature Fiction 1999 Scott, Sir Walter Old Mortality “Tale Of Loyalties And Dilemmas Agains The Backdrop Of Civil War”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Giorgos Seferis, Mikhail Sholokhov, Henryk Sienkiewicz, Carl Spitteler “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Fiction 1999 Selvadurai, Shyam Cinammon Gardens “A Novel”
Literature Plays 1984, 1956 Bald, R. C. The Pelican Shakespeare “Measure for Measure”
Literature Plays 1972, 1963 Barnet, Sylvan The Complete Signet Classic Shakespeare
Literature Plays
Clarke, Mary Cowden Best Loved Plays Of William Shakespeare
Literature Fiction
Clarke, W. G. and W. Aldis Wright The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare, All The Plays, All The Poems, Volume 1 “Arranged In Their Chronological Order”
Literature Fiction
Clarke, W. G. and W. Aldis Wright The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare, All The Plays, All The Poems, Volume 2 “Arranged In Their Chronological Order”
Literature Fiction 1952 Clarke, William George and William Aldis Wright The Plays and Sonnets of William Shakespeare Volume One “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1952 Clarke, William George and William Aldis Wright The Plays and Sonnets of William Shakespeare Volume Two “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1873 Halliwell, J. O., ESQ., F.R.S., F.S.A. The Complete Works of Shakspere “Revised from the Original Editions with Historical and Analytical Introductions to each Play, also notes explanatory and critical, and a life of the poet”
Literature Plays 1904, 1899 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume I “Loves Labour's Lost, The Comedie of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume II “The First Part of Henry the Sixt, The Second Part of Henry the Sixt, The Third Part of Henry the Sixt, Romeo and Juliet”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume III “Titus Andronicys, Sonnets, Poems”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume IV “Richard the Third, King Richard the Second, The Merchant of Venice”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume V “King John, A Midsommer Nights Dreame, All's Well, That Ends Well”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume VI “The Taming of the Shrew, The First Part of Henry the Fourth, The Second Part of Henry the Fourth, The Merry Wives of Windsor”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume VII “Henry the Fift, Much Adoe About Nothing, As You Like It”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume VIII “Tewlfe Night, Julius Cæsar, Hamlet”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume IX “Troylus and Cressida, Othello, Measure, for Measure”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume X “Macbeth, King Lear, Tymon of Athens”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume XI “Pericles, Anthonie and Cleopatra, Coriolanus”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Shakespeare, William The Personal Shakespeare Volume XII “Cymbeline, The Winters Tale, The Tempest, King Henry the Eight”
Literature Plays 1904, 1898 Fleming, William H. The Personal Shakespeare Volume XIII “How To Study Shakespeare (Series I)”
Literature Plays 1904, 1899 Fleming, William H. The Personal Shakespeare Volume XIII “How To Study Shakespeare (Series II)”
Literature Plays 1904, 1903 Fleming, William H. The Personal Shakespeare Volume XIV “How To Study Shakespeare (Series III)”
Literature Non-Fiction 1980 Peters, Margot Bernard Shaw and the Actresses “A Biography”
Literature American Literature 2011 Showalter, Elaine The Vintage Book of American Women Writers “showcase of 350 years of poetry and fiction”
Literature Fiction 1960, 1957 Shute, Nevil On The Beach “the story of a small community of men and women who have the courage and faith to love and work and live in the face of imminent death....”
Literature Fiction 2002, 2000 Sijie, Dai Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress “two hapless city boys are exiled to a remote mountain village for re-education during China's infamous Cultural Revolution”
Literature Fiction 1970, 1969 Silverberg, Robert Downward To The Earth “the planet Belzagor was alien in the extreme”
Literature Fiction 1977, 1976 Simmons, Geoffrey S. The Z- Papers “A Nightmare Novel Of Medical Detection-And A Race Against Time To Save The Life Of The U.S. Vice Presidential Candidate.”
Literature Fiction 1967, 1948 Skinner, B. F. Walden Two “A controversial novel of morality and immorality in a scientifically-shaped Utopia”
Literature Short Stories 1945 Smith, H. Allen Desert Island Decameron “anthology of humor contains an impressive list of famous humorists”
Literature Fiction 2006, 2005 Smith, Katherine Kama'ema'e The Love Remains “A Historical Novel”
Literature Fiction 2000 Smith, Zadie White Teeth “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1965, 1964 Snelling, O. F. 007 James Bond: A Report “the full fantastic lowdown on James Bond”
Literature Non-Fiction 2011 Snyder, Laura J. The Philosophical Breakfast Club “Four Remarkable Friends Who Transformed Science and Changed The World”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Gregory, Alexis Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Rabindranath Tagore, Sigrid Undset, William Butler Yeats “Nobel Prize Library”
Literature Non-Fiction 1943, 1941 Stamm, Russell Invisible Scarlet O'Neil “A New Story Based on the Famous Newspaper Strip”
Literature Fiction 1980, 1976 Steinbeck, John The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights “from the Winchester Manuscripts of Thomas Malory and Other Sources”
Literature Fiction 1982, 1937 Steinbeck, John Of Mice And Men “speaks of the love that men can feel for each other - one articulate, dumb, sometimes violent in his need; the other clever, hopeful, and tied to a responsibility he thinks he doesn't want.”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1947 Steinbeck, John The Pearl, The Red Pony “Two classic stories, in one volume, celebrating the spirit and courage of ordinary families”
Literature Biography 1995 Parini, Jay John Steinback “A Biography”
Literature Fiction 1921, 1892 Stevenson, Robert Louis Island Nights' Entertainments “Biographical Edition”
Literature Fiction 2001, 1995 Stevenson, Robert Louis The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories “an eminent if somewhat eccentric physician, and the strange goings-on in his elegantly appointed home and the decrepit surgical dissecting room that lies across the courtyard.”
Literature Fiction 1994 Stevenson, Robert Louis Treasure Island “A treasure map of a deserted island leads young Jim Hawkins on an action-packed adventure.”
Literature Fiction
Stevenson, Robert Louis Will O' The Mill, and Markheim “Little Leather Library Corporation”
Literature Fiction 2008, 2005 Swarup, Vikas Slumdog Millionaire “a novel”
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Swift, Jonathan; Sterne, Laurence Gulliver's Travels, Tristram Shandy “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction
Tennyson, Alfred The Coming of Arthur “Little Leather Library Corporation”
Literature Plays 1999, 1954 Thomas, Dylan Under Milk Wood “A Play for Voices”
Literature Non-Fiction 1995 Thomas, Lewis Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony “collection of essays”
Literature Non-Fiction 1971 Thompson, Hunter S. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas “A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream”
Literature Non-Fiction 1996, 1849 Thoreau, Henry David Civil Disobedience
Literature Non-Fiction
Thoreau, Henry David Friendship And Other Essays “Little Leather Library Corporation”
Literature Non-Fiction 1960 Thoreau, Henry David On Man and Nature “A Compilation by Arthur G. Volkman from the writings of Henry D. Thoreau”
Literature Non-Fiction 2004, 1971 Thoreau, Henry D. Walden “vivid account of the time that Henry D. Thoreau lived alone in a secluded cabin at Walden Pond.”
Literature Non-Fiction 1981, 1906 Thoreau, Henry David Works of Henry David Thoreau Large compilation originally in multiple volumes, Lily Owens, editor
Literature Fiction 1987, 1952 Louise and Aylmer Maude War and Peace By Leo Tolstoy “Great Books Of The Western World”
Literature Fiction 1899, 1898 Lyof N. Tolstoï War And Peace Vol. I
Literature Fiction 1899, 1898 Lyof N. Tolstoï War And Peace Vol. II
Literature Fiction 1899, 1898 Lyof N. Tolstoï War And Peace Vol. III
Literature Fiction 1899, 1898 Lyof N. Tolstoï War And Peace Vol. IV
Literature Fiction 1899, 1898 Lyof N. Tolstoï War And Peace Vol. V
Literature Fiction 1899, 1898 Lyof N. Tolstoï War And Peace Vol. VI
Literature Fiction 1899 Lyof N. Tolstoï Anna Karenina Vol. I
Literature Fiction 1899 Lyof N. Tolstoï Anna Karenina Vol. II
Literature Fiction 1899 Lyof N. Tolstoï Anna Karenina Vol. III
Literature Non-Fiction 1899 Lyof N. Tolstoï Childhood, Boyhood, Youth
Literature Fiction 1899 Lyof N. Tolstoï The Cossacks Sevastopol
Literature Fiction 1893, 1935 Twain, Mark The Family Mark Twain “complete books of Mark Twain”
Literature Biography 1974 Kaplan, Justin Mark Twain And His World “America's Greatest Writer and Wit”
Literature Fiction 1976 Uris, Leon Trinity
Literature Fiction 2006 Valdes-Rodriguez, Alisa Haters “Here at Aliso Niguel High, money is everything, and the Haters rule”
Literature Fiction 1980 Vance, Jack Slaven van de Klau “7 wonderlijke verhalen van de Meester” *signed
Literature Fiction 1997, 1996 Verne, Jules Paris in the Twentieth Century “The Lost Novel”
Literature Fiction 1977, 1976 Vidal, Gore 1876 “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1987 Vidal, Gore Empire “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1984 Vidal, Gore Lincoln “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1979 Vonnegut, Kurt Jailbird “Yes - Kilgore Trout is back again. He could not make it on the outside. That is no disgrace. A lot of good people can't make it on the outside.”
Literature Fiction 1965 Vonnegut Jr., Kurt God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater “or Pearls Before Swine”
Literature Fiction 1969 Vonnegut Jr., Kurt Slaughterhouse-Five Or The Children's Crusade “A Duty-Dance With Death”
Literature Fiction, Short Stories 1971, 1950 Vonnegut Jr., Kurt Welcome to the Monkey House “mind-boggling grab-bag in which every selection is a winner.”
Literature Fiction 1933 Waddell, Helen Peter Abelard “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1992 Waller, Robert James The Bridges of Madison County the story of Robert Kincaid, a world-class photographer, and Francesca Johnson, an Iowa Farm wife”
Literature Fiction 2004, 2003 Weisberger, Lauren the devil wears prada “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1994, 1986 Wells, H. G. The Island of Dr. Moreau “a shipwrecked gentleman named Edward Prendick, stranded on a Pacific island”
Literature Fiction 1968, 1963 Wells, H. G. The Time Machine “And Other Stories”
Literature Fiction 1996, 1993 Welsh, Irvine Trainspotting “group portrait of blasted lives in Edinburgh”
Literature Fiction 2012 Williams, Robin The Road to Reno “A Novel” *signed
Literature Fiction 2018 Willis, Connie Terra Incognita “Three Tales”
Literature Fiction 1955 Wilson, Sloan The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit “the struggle of a man to adapt himself from the relative security of O.D. [olive drab] to the insecurity of gray flannel”
Literature Selection 2001 Wise, Christopher The Desert Shore “Literatures of the Sahel”
Literature Selection 1941 Wm. H.Wise & Co. The World's Greatest Books, Twentieth Century Series “Being One Publisher's Selection Of What Might Be Considered The Most Popular Literature Published During The Twentieth Century”
Literature Non-Fiction 1979, 1975 Wolfe, Tom The Painted Word “Down with cultureburg! Down with the guru critics!”
Literature Fiction 1996, 1985 Wolff, Tobias Back In The World “Stories”
Literature Fiction 1948, 1920 Woolf, Virginia Night and Day “the romances of a handful of young people”
Literature Fiction 1966, 1940 Wright, Richard Native Son Criminal goes to jail and explores racial differences
Literature Fiction 2008 Wroblewski, David The Story of Sawtelle “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 2022 Wuehle, Candice Monarch “A Novel”
Literature Fiction 1991, 1986 Xianliang, Zhang Half Of Man Is Woman “Zhang Yonglin, a young poet, has been imprisoned at a labor camp in China's remote countryside for composing “rightist” verse”
Literature Fiction 2000, 1990 Xingjian, Gao Soul Mountain “an exploration of individual identity in a society that exalts the collective”
Literature Fiction 1951 Yerby, Frank A Woman Called Fancy “The Williamsons' farm lay on a hillside”

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