Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Seize the moment, The chance to flatten the climate curve” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Goodbye globalisation, The dangerous lure of self-sufficiency” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The politics of pandemics” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The right medicine for the world economy” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The fire this time” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The power of protest” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The genius of Amazon” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The next catastrophe (and how to survive it)” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Retro or radical?” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The New Ideology Of Race And What's Wrong With It” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Trade without trust, How the West should do business with China” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The absent student, How covid-19 will change college” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Xi's new economy, Don't underestimate it” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “What Putin fears” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “America's ugly election, How bad could it get?” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Office politics, The fight over the future of work" | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “21st Century Power, How clean energy will remake geopolitics” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Why are so many governments getting it wrong?” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Bidenomics, The good, the bad and the unknown” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Winners and losers, How covid-19 is reordering the global economy, A Special Report” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Torment of the Uyghurs, and the global crisis in human rights” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Who controls the conversation? Social media and free speech” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Why it has to be Joe Biden” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “When every vote counts” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Suddenly, hope” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The China strategy America needs” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “How resilient is democracy?” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Making coal history” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “Will inflation return?” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | The Economist | “The World in 2021” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2021 | The Economist | “Ten million reasons to vaccinate the world, Our new model of the true death toll from covid-19” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2022 | The Economist | “Searching For Returns, The new rules of investment” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2022 | The Economist | “The World Ahead 2023” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2023 | The Economist | “Exit Wave, How China's reopening will disrupt the world economy” | |
Economics | Magazine | 2023 | The Economist | “Zero-Sum, The destructive logic that threatens globalisation” | |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1991 | Abrams, Rhonda M. | The Successful Business Plan: Secrets & Strategies | “Start-To-Finish Guide To Creating A Successful Business Plan” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1978 | Albert, Kenneth J. | How to Be Your Own Management Consultant | “a strategy for business problem-solving success” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1981 | Allen, William R. | Midnight Economist | “Choices, Prices, and Public Policy |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2010, 2006 | Baltzan, Paige; Phillips, Amy | Business Driven Technology | |
Economics | Sociology | 1996, 1995 | Barber, Benjamin R. | Jihad vs. McWorld | “How Globalism And Tribalism Are Reshaping The World” |
Economics | Sociology | 1978, 1976 | Bell, Daniel | The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism | “A brilliant analysis of the prdicament of Western libral capitalist society” |
Economics | History | 1998, 1996 | Bernstein, Peter L. | Against The Gods | “The Remarkable Story Of Risk” |
Economics | Magazine | 2019 | Blau, Rosie | 1843 Stories Of An Extraordinary World | “In dough we trust, How donuts fuelled the American Dream” |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | Blau, Rosie | 1843 Stories Of An Extraordinary World | “The Whirling Mind, Can we escape from information overload?” |
Economics | History | 1981, 1979 | Braudel, Fernand | The Structures of Everyday Life, The Limits of the Possible | “Civilization & Capitalism, 15th -18th Century, Volume 1” |
Economics | History | 1982, 1979 | Braudel, Fernand | The Wheels of Commerce | “Civilization & Capitalism, 15th -18th Century, Volume 2” |
Economics | Sociology | 2013 | Braungart, Michael | The Upcycle | “Beyond Sustainability - Designing for Abundance” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1988 | Bryk, Nancy Villa | Bloomingdale's Illustrated 1886 Catalog | “Fashions, Dry Goods and Housewares” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1999, 1997 | Buffet, Mary and David Clark | Buffettology | “The Previously Unexplained Techniques That Have Made Warren Buffett the World's Most Famous Investor” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2020 | Burgess, Andrea | The Economist Pocket World in Figures | “presents and analyzes data about the world” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1991 | Burton, Mary Lindley & Richard A. Wedemeyer | In Transition | “From the Harvard Business School Club of New York's Career Management Seminar” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1992 | Carnavale Jones, Diane; Zagummy, Cindy | Collectibles Market Guide & Price Index | “Collectors' Information Bureau's” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1988 | Case, Mary | Registrars On Record | “Essays on Museum Collections Management” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Chopra, Deepak | The Soul of Leadership | “Unlocking Your Potential for Greatness” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2002 | Collier, Marsha | Starting an eBay Business For Dummies | “Get savvy advice on running an online auction business” |
Economics | Sociology | 2018 | Collier, Paul | The Future of Capitalism | “Facing the New Anxieties” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1990 | Collins, Eliza G. C; Devanna, Mary Anne | The Portable MBA | “Delivers the top wisdom from America's best university programs; Complete coverage from managing people, to understanding numbers and setting strategy” |
Economics | Sociology | 2011 | Collins, Jim | Good to Great | “Why some companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't” |
Economics | Sociology | 2009 | Collins, Jim | How The Mighty Fall | “And Why Some Companies Never Give In” |
Economics | Autobiography | 2004, 2003 | Corcoran, Barbara with Bruce Littlefield | If You Don't Have Big Breasts, Put Ribbons on Your Pigtails | “And Other Lessons I Learned from My Mom” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1988, 1934 | Cottle, Sidney; Murray, Roger F.; Block, Frank E.; Leibowitz, Martin L. | Graham and Dodd's Security Analysis | “Fifth Edition” |
Economics | Sociology | 2006 | Covey, Stephen M. R. with Rebecca R. Merrill | The Speed of Trust | “The One Thing That Changes Everything” |
Economics | Sociology | 1992, 1990 | Covey, Stephen R. | Principle-Centered Leadership | “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1971 | Drucker, Peter F. | Innovation and Entrepeneurship | “Practice and Principles |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1971 | Drucker, Peter F. | Men, Ideas & Politics | “essays by” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2022 | Dunlap, Tori | Financial Feminist | “Overcome The Patriarchy's Bullsh*t To Master Your Money And Build A Life You Love” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2011 | Eaton, Dr. Doug Van; Prochashka, Craig S. | Schweser's Secret Sauce for the 2011 CFA® Exam | “The Essential Complement to the CFA® curriculum” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1983 | Eckersley-Johnson, Anna L. | Webster's Secretarial Handbook | “Second Edition” |
Economics | Biographies | 2017 | Ferriss, Tim | Tools Of Titans | "The Tactics, Routines, And Habits Of Billionaires, Icons, And World-Class Performers" |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1987 | Fisher, Kenneth L. | The Wall Street Waltz | “20 Visual Perspectives, Illustrated Lessons From Financial Cycles And Trends” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1986 | Foster, Richard N. | Innovation, The Attacker's Advantage | “Why leading companies abruptly lose their markets to new competitors. And how a few have avoided this fate by relentlessly abandoning the skills and products that have brought them success.”” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1980, 1979 | Friedman, Milton & Rose D. | Free To Choose | “A Personal Statement” |
Economics | Sociology | 2016 | Friedman, Thomas L. | Thank You for Being Late | “An Optimist's Guide To Thriving In The Age Of Accelerations” |
Economics | Sociology | 2000, 1999 | Friedman, Thomas L. | The Lexus And The Olive Tree | “Understanding Globalization” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Funk, McKenzie | Windfall | “The Booming Business of Global Warming” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2017 | Gates, Mark | Blockchain | “Ultimate guide to understanding blockchain, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, smart contracts and the future of money.” |
Economics | Sociology | 1984 | Gilder, George | The Spirit Of Enterprise | “the impact of enterprise on business and technology” |
Economics | Sociology | 1981 | Gilder, George | Wealth and Poverty | “how to increase wealth and curtail poverty” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Goldstein, Arnold S., J.D., LL.M., Ph.D. | How to settle with the IRS ...for pennies on the dollar | “Includes The Official IRS Collection Manual” |
Economics | History | 2004 | Gordon, John Steele | An Empire Of Wealth | “The Epic History of American Economic Power” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1973 | Graham, Benjamin | The Intelligent Investor | “Fourth Revised Edition of the book that has become for thousands the indispensable guide to sound investing” |
Economics | Sociology | 2000 | Grantham, Charles | The Future Of Work | “The Promise of the New Digital Work Society” |
Economics | History | 2010 | Green, Hardy | The Company Town | “The Industrial Edens and Satanic Mills that Shaped the American Economy” |
Economics | Sociology | 2007 | Greenspan, Alan | The Age Of Turbulence | “Adventures In A New World” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1986 | Grimond, John | The Economist Pocket Style Book | “the style sheet The Economist's journalists use every day.” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1978 | Grunwald, Henry Anatole | The Encyclopedia of Collectibles | “Buttons to Chess Sets” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1997, 1994 | Hagstrom, Robert G. | The Warren Buffett Way | “Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2001 | Hargrove, Robert | E-Leader | “Reinventing Leadership in a Connected Economy” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Harvard Business Review Press | Creating Business Plans | “Gather your resources, Describe the opportunity, Get buy-in” |
Economics | Sociology | 1976, 1944 | Hayek, Friedrich A. | The Road to Serfdom | “A classic warning against the dangers to freedom inherent in social planning” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1986 | Heirs, Ben with Peter Farrell | The Professional Decision Thinker | “America's New Management and Education Priority” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2005 | Hiam, Alexander | Marketing Kit For Dummies | “The do-it-yourself guide for planning, budgeting, naming, pricing, packaging, and selling your product or service” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1993 | Husfloen, Kyle | 1994 The Antique Trader, Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide | “A Comprehensive Price Guide to the entire field of Antiques & Collectibles” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1994 | Huxford, Sharon & Bob | Schroeder's Antiques Price Guide | “Identification & Values Of Over 50,000 Antiques & Collectibles” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1976 | Israel, Fred L. | 1897 Edition Of The Sears, Roebuck Catalogue | “A complete replica of the Consumer's Guide that revolutionized America.” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2018 | John, Daymond with Daniel Paisner | Rise And Grind | “Outperform, Outwork and Outhustle Your Way to a More Successful and Rewarding Life” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1999 | Jones, Glenn R. | Free Market Fusion | “how entrepreneurs and nonprofits create 21st century success” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Kaplan, Inc. | PRACTICE EXAMS for the 2011 CFA® Exam | “Kaplan Schweser THE ESSENTIAL COMPLEMENT to the CFA® curriculum” |
Economics | Sociology | 2021 | Katusa, Marin | The Rise Of America | “Remaking The World Order” |
Economics | History | 1960, 1953 | Kirk, Russell | The Conservative Mind | “From Burke to Eliot” |
Economics | Sociology | 2005 | Korten, David C. | The Great Turning | “From Empire to Earth Community” |
Economics | Sociology | 2014 | Kristof, Nicholas D. and Sheryl WuDunn” | A Path Appears | “Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2013 | Lafley, A.G.; Martin, Roger L. | Playing To Win | “How Strategy Really Works” |
Economics | Sociology | 2005 | Levitt, Steven D. and Stephen J. Dubner | Freakonomics | “A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2009 | Lewis, Michael | Panic | “The Story of Modern Financial Insanity” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1991 | Lindenberger, Jan | Collecting Plastics: A Handbook and Price Guide | |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1900 | Lubin, David | Let There Be Light | “The Story Of A Workingmen's Club, Its Search For The Causes Of Poverty And Social Inequality, Its Discussions, And Its Plan For The Amelioration Of Existing Evils” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2017 | Luce, Edward | The Retreat Of Western Liberalism | “why the values the West has long championed are increasingly in danger” |
Economics | Sociology | 2009 | Maass, Peter | Crude World | “The Violent Twilight of Oil” |
Economics | Sociology | 2019 | Maddow, Rachel | Blowout | “Corrupted Democracy, Rogue State Russia, And The Richest, Most Destructive Industry On Earth” |
Economics | Sociology | 1976, 1975 | Malabre Jr., Alfred L. | Understanding The Economy: For People Who Can't Stand Economics | “demonstrates that the subject, forbidding to so many people, can be made not only easily comprehensible but even intensely interesting for nonexperts.” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1971 | Mann, Roland | The Arts of Top Management | “A McKinsey Anthology” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels | Capital, Manifesto Of The Communist Party | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1984 | McCormack, Mark H. | What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School | “A John Boswell Associates Book” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2008, 2006 | McGrath, Skip | How to Create and Sell Information Products on eBay | “Everything you need to know to sell information on eBay.” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1980 | Mezger, Dorothea | Copper in the World Economy | "The case of copper illustrates these power relationships and their historical evolution." |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2007 | MG Prep, Inc. | Manhattan GMAT Prep, Number Properties | “GMAT Preparation Guide” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2016 | Mill, Alfred | Economics 101 | “From Consumer Behavior To Competitive Markets - Everything You Need To Know About Economics” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1970 | Mirken, Alan | 1927 Edition Of The Sears, Roebuck Catalogue | “The Roaring Twenties” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2005 | Montauk, Richard | How to Get Into the Top MBA Programs | “complete explanation of what the top schools look for, plus a step-by-step guide to the entire application process” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1994, 1991 | Needleman, Jacob | Money And The Meaning Of Life | “helps the reader understand money as a key to the question of who we are” |
Economics | History | 1971 | Norgren, Marie and Christian | Industrial Sweden | “takes stock of the present situation and appraises prospects for the future” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1990 | Ohmae, Kenichi | The Borderless World | “Power and Strategy in the Interlinked Economy, Management Lessons In The New Logic Of The Global Marketplace” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2014 | Orman, Suze | The Do's And Don'ts Of Money | “Easy Solutions for Everyday Problems” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2015 | Paulson, Henry M., Jr. | Dealing With China | “An Insider Unmasks The New Economic Superpower” |
Economics | Sociology | 2001 | Payne, Ruby K. PhD; DeVol, Philip E.; Smith, Terie Dreussi | Bridges Out of Poverty | “Strategies for Professionals and Communities” |
Economics | Biography | 2004 | Perkins, John | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man | “The inside story of how America turned from a respected republic into a feared empire” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1992 | Peters, Tom | Liberation Management | “Necessary Disorganization for the Nanosecond Nineties” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1985 | Peters, Tom; Nancy Austin | A Passion For Excellence | “The Leadership Difference” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1986 | Ray, Michael; Myers, Rochelle | Creativity In Business | “Based on the famed Stanford University course that has revolutionized the art of success.” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1998, 1990 | Reisman, George | Capitalism | “A complete and integrated understanding of the nature and value of human economic life” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1985 | Rich, Stanley R. and David E. Gumpert | Business Plans That Win $$$ | “Lessons From The MIT Enterprise Forum” |
Economics | Sociology | 2005 | Sachs, Jefferey D. | The End of Poverty | “Economic Possibilites For Our Time” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2008, 1997 | Sahlman, William Andrews | How To Write A Great Business Plan | “Harvard Business Review Classics” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2007 | Schmidt, Terry | Turn Strategy Into Action | “Strategic Project Management Tools for Leaders and Teams” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1970 | Schroeder Jr., Joseph J. | Sears, Roebuck and Co. Incorporated. Consumers Guide Fall 1900 | “Cheapest Supply House On Earth Our Trade Reaches Around The World” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2006 | Senge, Peter M. | The Fifth Discipline | “The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Slap, Stan | Bury My Heart At Conference Room B | "The Unbeatable Impact Of Truly Committed Managers" |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1987, 1952 | Smith, Adam | An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations | “Great Books Of The Western World” |
Economics | Sociology | 1986, 1776 | Smith, Adam | The Wealth of Nations | “Books I-III” |
Economics | Biography | 2006 | Buchan, James | The Authentic Adam Smith | Ideological founder of unregulated small business |
Economics | Sociology | 2000 | Soto, Hernando de | The Mystery Of Capital | “Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else” |
Economics | Sociology | 2004 | Sowell, Thomas | Basic Economics | “A Citizen's Guide to the Economy” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2008 | Speth, James Gustave | The Bridge at the Edge of the World | “Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2010 | Stiglitz, Joseph E. | Freefall | “America, Free Markets and the Sinking of the World Economy” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2002 | Stiglitz, Joseph E. | Globalization and Its Discontents | “insider's account of global economic policy making” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2010, 2009 | Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Sen, Amartya and Jean-Paul Fitoussi | Mismeasuring Our Lives | “Why GDP Doesn't Add Up, The Report by The Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress” |
Economics | Sociology | 2014 | Taibbi, Matt | The Divide | “American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap” |
Economics | Sociology | 2018, 2016 | Tapscott, Don, and Alex Tapscott | Blockchain Revolution | “How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Is Changing the World” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2017, 2014 | Tenenbaum, Jane | Official GRE® QUANTITATIVE REASONING Practice Questions | “in-depth practice and accurate test preparation for the Quantitative Reasoning measure” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2017, 2014 | Tenenbaum, Jane | Official GRE® VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions | “with practice for the Analytical Writing measure” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2017, 2010 | Tenenbaum, Jane | The Official Guide to the GRE® General Test | “guide specially created by ETS- the people who actually make the test” |
Economics | Sociology | 1986 | Tong, Rosemarie | Ethics in Policy Analysis | “Prentice-Hall Series in Occupational Ethics” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2015 | Tornielli, Andrea and Giacomo Galeazzi | This Economy Kills | “Pope Francis on Capitalism and Social Justice” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1996 | Trout, Jack with Steve Rivkin | The New Positioning | “The Latest on the Worlds #1 Business Strategy” |
Economics | Music | Unit Parts Co. | Sing A Song Of Profits | “With A Pocketfull Of Sales” | |
Economics | History | 1956 | Viereck, Peter | Conservatism | “From John Adams to Churchill” |
Economics | Sociology | 1963, 1899 | Veblen, Thorstein | The Theory of The Leisure Class | “An Economic Study of Institutions” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1977 | Vernon, Raymond | Storm over the Multinationals | “The Real Issues” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 1982 | Weber, Louis | Health Careers: Where the Jobs Are and How to Get Them | “A complete guide to jobs, salaries, training, and interviewing” |
Economics | History | 1977 | Weil, Gordon Lee | Sears, Roebuck, U.S.A. | “The Great American Catalog Store and How It Grew” |
Economics | Sociology | 2011, 2009 | Wilkinson, Richard and Kate Pickett | The Spirit Level | “Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger” |
Economics | Magazine | 2020 | Witkowski, Tom | Harvard Business School | “Alumni Bulletin” |
Economics | Non-Fiction | 2003, 1999 | Yunnus, Muhammad | Banker to the Poor | “Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty” |