
Inventory (without Meditation Room books)

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Civil Rights Sociology 2000 Adams, Maurianne; Blumenfeld, Warren J.; Castañeda, Rosie; Hackman, Heather W.; Peters, Madeline L.; Zúñiga, Ximena Readings for Diversity and Social Justice “An Anthology on Racism, Antisemitism, Sexism, Heterosexism, Ableism, and Classism”
Civil Rights Sociology 1974 Advocators Education To Govern “a philosophy and program for learning now!”
Civil Rights Sociology 1998 Ancheta, Angelo N. Race, Rights And The Asian American Experience “suggests United States race relations have been framed by a black-white model”
Civil Rights History 1993, 1988 Ashe Jr., Arthur R. A Hard Road To Glory “A History Of The African-American Athlete Since 1946”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1963, 1962 Baldwin, James The Fire Next Time “a plea and a warning- a plea that all Americans look to the true state of their land one hundred years after Emancipation- a warning of what may happen if they do not.”
Civil Rights Sociology 2007 Bales, Kevin Ending Slavery “How We Free Today's Slaves”
Civil Rights Sociology 2013 Barkan, Steven E. Social Problems “Continuity and Change”
Civil Rights History 2002 Bass, Patrik Henry Like a Mighty Stream “The March on Washington, August 28, 1963” variety of accounts
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1984 Becker, John T and Stanli K All Blood is Red... All Shadows are Dark! Family essays about multiracial experience
Civil Rights Sociology 2002 Bell, Derrick Ethical Ambition “Living a Life of Meaning and Worth”
Civil Rights Sociology 1992 Bell, Derrick Faces at the Bottom of The Well “The Permanence of Racism”
Civil Rights Sociology 2004 Bell, Derrick Silent Covenants “Brown V. Board of Education and the unfulfilled hopes for racial reform”
Civil Rights History 1954, 1927 Benét, Stephen Vincent John Brown's Body “high tide in American poetical literature”
Civil Rights History 1989, 1988 Branch, Taylor Parting The Waters “America in the King Years 1954-63”
Civil Rights History 1998 Branch, Taylor Pillar Of Fire “America in the King Years 1963-65”
Civil Rights Biography 1999 Bridges, Ruby Through My Eyes “a pioneer in school integration at the age of six”
Civil Rights Autobiography 1965 Brown, Claude Manchild in The Promised Land “A Modern Classic of the Black Experience”
Civil Rights Sociology 2007 Bullard, Robert Doyle Growing Smarter “Achieving Livable Communities, Environmental Justice, and Regional Equity”
Civil Rights Biography 1981 Calderon, Erma with Leonard Ray Teel Erma, A Black Woman Remembers 1912-1980 Southern lady's life and travels in segregated America
Civil Rights History 1969 Carlson, Natalie Savage Marchers for the Dream History of Civil Rights
Civil Rights Sociology 1969, 1967 Cleaver, Eldridge Post-Prison Writings and Speeches Social perspectives on America
Civil Rights Autobiography 1968 Cleaver, Eldridge Soul On Ice Written in prison for breaking parole
Civil Rights Photographs 1996 Cottman, Michael H.; Willis, Deborah The Family of Black America Families share their photographs with descriptions
Civil Rights Photographs 1988 Cowell, Alan Why Are They Weeping? “South Africans under Apartheid”
Civil Rights Sociology 2013 Darden, Joe T. and Richard W.Thomas Detroit “Race Riots, Racial Conflicts, and Efforts to Bridge the Racial Divide”
Civil Rights Autobiography 2001 Dees, Morris with Steve Fiffer A Lawyer's Journey “The Morris Dees Story”
Civil Rights Sociology 2005 DeGruy, Joy Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome “America's Legacy Of Enduring Injury and Healing”
Civil Rights Biographies 1993 Delaney, Sarah and A. Elizabeth with Amy Hill Hearth Having Our Say “The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years”
Civil Rights Sociology 2021 Diangelo, Robin Nice Racism “How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm”
Civil Rights Fiction 1999, 1998 Dickey, Eric Jerome Milk in My Coffee “Jordan Greene was in culture shock when he arrived in Manhattan from his Tennessee hometown”
Civil Rights Sociology 1996, 1899 DuBois, William Edward Burghardt The Philadelphia Negro, A Social Study Observations and study of an integrated American neighborhood
Civil Rights Sociology 1994, 1903 DuBois, William Edward Burghardt The Souls of Black Folk Essays about civil rights and equality
Civil Rights Biography 2007 Blum, Edward J W.E.B. Du Bois American Prophet Life and religious aspects of Dubois
Civil Rights Biography 1993 Lewis, David Levering W.E.B. Du Bois, Biography of a Race 1868-1919 First half of the life of Dubois, civil rights philosopher
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2012, 2009 Ember, Carol R.; Ember, Melvin Human Culture “Highlights of Cultural Anthropology”
Civil Rights Sociology 1969 Etzkowitz, Henry and Gerald M. Schaflander Ghetto Crisis “Riots Or Reconciliation?”
Civil Rights Sociology 2008, 1952 Fanon, Frantz Black Skin, White Masks “revolutionary struggle, colonialism and racial difference”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1968 Farnsley, Nancy; Farnsley, Charles Lost Cause Press: Microcard Collection “Collection of Anti-Slavery Propaganda in the Oberlin College Library”
Civil Rights Autobiography 2011 Farr, Diane Kissing Outside The Lines “A True Story Of Love And Race And Happily Ever After”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1977 Flemming, Arthur S. A Generation Deprived: Los Angeles School Desegregation “A Report of the United States Comission on Civil Rights”
Civil Rights Sociology 2017 Forman Jr., James Locking Up Our Own “Crime and Punishment in Black America”
Civil Rights History 2002 Fredrickson, George M. Racism “A Short History”
Civil Rights History 1985, 1984 Giddings, Paula When And Where I Enter “The Impact Of Black Women On Race And Sex In America”
Civil Rights Sociology 1969 Good, Paul The American Serfs “A Report On Poverty In The Rural South”
Civil Rights Autobiography 2010, 1960 Griffin, John Howard Black Like Me “crossing the color line in a segregated south”
Civil Rights Sociology 1993, 1992 Hacker, Andrew Two Nations “Black and White. Separate, Hostile, Unequal
Civil Rights History 1999, 1998 Halberstam, David The Children “the start of the civil rights movement, the sit-ins that galvanized a generation.”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1973 Hallie Q. Brown Memorial Library Index to Periodical Articles “By And About Negroes 1971”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1968 Hannah, John A. Hearing Before The United States Commission On Civil Rights “Hearing Held In Montgomery, Alabama April 27-May 2, 1968”
Civil Rights Plays 1994, 1958 Hansberry, Lorraine A Raisin In The Sun “portrait of an embattled Chicago family”
Civil Rights Biography 1992 Harrington, Walt Crossings “A White Man's Journey Into Black America”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2007, 2000 Harris, Marvin; Johnson, Orna Cultural Anthropology “This textbook explains the theory of cultural materialism”
Civil Rights Biographies 2001 Harris, Phyllis Y. From The Soul “Stories of Great Black Parents and the Lives They Gave Us”
Civil Rights Sociology 2017 Hayes, Chris A Colony in a Nation “argues that there are really two Americas”
Civil Rights Sociology 2002 Hilfiker, David M.D. Urban Injustice “How Ghettos Happen”
Civil Rights Photographs 2005 Hopkins, Roz One People, many journeys “photographs, accompanied by thoughtful essays”
Civil Rights Sociology 1996 Jackson, Rev. Jesse Legal Lynching “Racism, Injustice & The Death Penalty”
Civil Rights Sociology 1967, 1966 Jacobs, Paul Prelude to Riot “A View of Urban America from the Bottom”
Civil Rights Biography 1998 Rogers, Mary Beth Barbara Jordan “American Hero”
Civil Rights Sociology 2006, 2005 Katznelson, Ira When Affirmative Action Was White “An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2020 Kendi, Ibram X. Be Antiracist “A Journal For Awareness, Reflection & Action”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2002, 1997 Kincheloe, Joe L.; Steinberg, Shirley R. Changing Multiculturalism “New times, new curriculum”
Civil Rights Biography 2013, 2012 King, Gilbert Devil in the Grove “Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1991 King Jr., Martin Luther A Testament of Hope “The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1985 Brouillet, Dr. Frank B. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Learn-A-Bration Planning Guide”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2003 Hansen, Drew The Dream “Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Speech that Inspired a Nation”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2013 Rieder, Jonathan Gospel of Freedom “Martin Luther King, Jr's letter from Birmingham Jail and the struggle that changed a nation”
Civil Rights Biography 1975 Schulke, Flip Martin Luther King, Jr. “A Documentary...Montgomery To Memphis”
Civil Rights History 1994 Smith, Sande A Man With a Dream “Martin Luther King Jr.”
Civil Rights Autobiography 1968, 1967 Kohl, Herbert 36 Children “A young teacher's account of his revolutionary, unforgettable year in a ghetto classroom”
Civil Rights Biographies 1991 Kotlowitz, Alex There Are No Children Here “The Story of Two Boys Growing Up in the Other America”
Civil Rights Sociology 1995 Kozol, Jonathan Amazing Grace “The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1972 Krug, Doris N.; Palmour, Vernon E.; Bellassai, Marcia C. Evaluation Of The Office Of Economic Opportunity Child Development Center “Prepared For Office Of Economic Opportunity”
Civil Rights Sociology 2000 Landry, Bart Black Working Wives “Pioneers of the American Family Revolution”
Civil Rights Photographs 1989 Lanker, Brian I Dream a World “Portraits of Black Women Who Changed America”
Civil Rights Biography 2010 Lavergne, Gary M Before Brown “Heman Marion Sweatt, Thurgood Marshall, and the Long Road to Justice”
Civil Rights Sociology 1997, 1996 Lefkowitz, Mary Not Out of Africa “How Afrocentrism Became and Excuse to Teach Myth as History”
Civil Rights Sociology 1991 Lemann, Nicholas The Promised Land “The Great Black Migration and How it Changed America”
Civil Rights Sociology 2005 Loewen, James W. Sundown Towns “A Hidden Dimension of American Racism”
Civil Rights Sociology 1973 Makielski, Jr., S. J. Beleaguered Minorities “Cultural Politics In America”
Civil Rights Autobiography 1995, 1994 Mandela, Nelson Long Walk to Freedom “president of the African National Congress, and head of the antiapartheid movement”
Civil Rights Biography 2013 Gibbs, Nancy Nelson Mandela “A Hero's Journey 1918-2013”
Civil Rights Biography 2010 Stengal, Richard Mandela's Way “Lessons on Life, Love, and Courage”
Civil Rights Sociology 1952 Marden, Charles F. Minorities in American Society
Civil Rights Biography 1996 Marshall, Jr., Joseph, and Lonnie Wheeler Street Soldier “One Man's Struggle to Save a Generation- One Life at a Time”
Civil Rights History 1993 Maruyama, Susan J. African Americans Voices of Triumph “Perseverance, The Songhai Empire, Slavery and Abolition, The Old West, Military, Civil Rights”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1965, 1964 May, Edgar The Wasted Americans “Cost Of Our Welfare Dilemma”
Civil Rights Biographies 1967, 1965 Mayerson, Charlotte Leon Two Blocks Apart “The lives of Juan Gonzales and Peter Quinn”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1998 Mazel, Ella “And don't call me a racist!” “A treasury of quotes on the past, present, and future of the color line in America”
Civil Rights Sociology 1983 McClosky, Herbert and Alida Brill Dimensions of Tolerance “What Americans Believe About Civil Liberties”
Civil Rights Biographies 2011, 2010 McGuire, Danielle L. At The Dark End Of The Street “Black Women, Rape, and Resistance- a New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power”
Civil Rights Sociology 2000 McWhorter, John H. Losing The Race “Self-Sabotage in Black America”
Civil Rights Sociology 1970 Meier, August The Transformation of Activism “black community organization, political action, and nationalistic rhetoric”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2006 Michaels, Walter Benn The Trouble with Diversity “How We Learned to Love Identity and Ignore Inequality”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1968, 1966 Miller, Elizabeth W. The Negro In America “A Bibliography”
Civil Rights Magazine 2021 Monmaney, Terence Smithsonian “the Truth about Tulsa”
Civil Rights Photographs 2004 Morrison, Toni Remember “The Journey to School Integration”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1984 National Archives Trust Fund Board Black Studies: A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications “descriptions of the records and roll-by-roll listings”
Civil Rights Magazine
National Geographic National Geographic, The Race Issue “Black and White, These twin sisters make us rethink everything we know about race”
Civil Rights Sociology 2019 Neiman, Susan Learning From The Germans “Race and the Memory of Evil”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1999 Nieto, Sonia The Light in Their Eyes “Creating Multicultural Learning Communities”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2011 Nyerges, Timothy L.; Couclesis, Helen and Robert McMaster The SAGE Handbook of GIS and Society “geography and computer science to sociology, anthropology, and the health and environmental science”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2010 O'Brien, David M. The Lanahan Readings in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties “For your courses on civil rights and civil liberties, Constitutional law, American government...”
Civil Rights Sociology 2018 Oluo, Ijeoma So you want to talk about race “exploration of today's racial landscape”
Civil Rights Sociology 1974, 1972 Packard, Vance A Nation of Strangers “report on alienation in America”
Civil Rights Biography 2013 Theoharis, Jeanne The Rebellious Life Of Mrs. Rosa Parks “civil rights movement radical”
Civil Rights Sociology 1983 Pendleton, Jr., Clarence M. Disadvantaged Women and Their Children “A Growing Crisis”
Civil Rights Sociology 1982 Pendleton, Jr., Clarence M. Unemployment and Underemployment Among Blacks, Hispanics, and Women “United States Commission on Civil Rights”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1983 Peoples College Press Black Power in Chicago “A documentary survey of the 1983 mayoral democratic primary”
Civil Rights History 2016 Phillips, Patrick Blood At The Root “A Racial Cleansing In America”
Civil Rights Sociology 1989 Pinderhughes, Elaine Understanding Race, Ethnicity, & Power “The Key to Efficacy in Clinical Practice”
Civil Rights Autobiography 1981, 1980 Poitier, Sidney This Life “considerable grit went into the building of his film career – not to mention cunning, integrity, and a capacity to learn from mistakes”
Civil Rights Sociology 1970 Rainwater, Lee Behind Ghetto Walls “Black Family Life in a Federal Slum”
Civil Rights Selection 1970 Rainwater, Lee Black Experience: Soul “many dimensions of soul - the American black man's concept of racial self-identification”
Civil Rights Sociology 1975 Reiman, Alan The Pulse of Freedom “American Liberties: 1920-1970s”
Civil Rights Sociology 1971 Rose, Harold M. The Black Ghetto “A Spatial Behavioral Perspective”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1971 Rosenfeld, Gerry “Shut Those Thick Lips!” A Study of Slum School Failure “Case Studies In Education And Culture”
Civil Rights Sociology 1996 Rutstein, Nathan and Michael Morgan Healing Racism “Education's Role”
Civil Rights Sociology 1998, 1995 Sacks, David O.; Thiel, Peter A. The Diversity Myth “Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus”
Civil Rights Sociology 1994 Sherman, Pat The Evolution of Racism “Human Differences and the Use and Abuse of Science”
Civil Rights History 2000, 1981 Sitkoff, Harvard The Struggle for Black Equality “history of the civil-rights movement”
Civil Rights Sociology 2006 Smiley, Tavis The Covenant with Black America “national plan of action to address the primary concerns of African Americans today”
Civil Rights Sociology 1984 Sowell, Thomas Civil Rights “Rhetoric or Reality?”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1970, 1967 Stewart, George R. Not So Rich As You Think “Will this be America's grim and grimy epitaph?”
Civil Rights History 2009, 2008 Sugrue, Thomas J. Sweet Land of Liberty “The Forgotten Struggle for Civil Rights in the North”
Civil Rights History 2009 Sullivan, Patricia Lift Every Voice “The NAACP and The Making of the Civil Rights Movement”
Civil Rights History 1993 Takaki, Ronald A Different Mirror “A History of Multicultural America”
Civil Rights History 1998, 1989 Takaki, Ronald Strangers from a Different Shore “A History of Asian Americans”
Civil Rights Sociology 2006 Tate, Gayle T. and Lewis A. Randolph The Black Urban Community “From Dusk Till Dawn”
Civil Rights Sociology 1997 Thomas, June Manning Redevelopment and Race “Planning a Finer City in Postwar Detroit”
Civil Rights Selection 1971 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XXXX, No. 1 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1971 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XXXX, No. 2 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1971 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XXXX, No. 3 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1971 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XL, No. 4 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1972 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XLI, No. 1 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1972 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XLI, No. 2 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1972 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XLI, No. 4 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1973 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XLII, No. 1 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1973 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XLII, No. 2 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1973 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal Of Negro Education, Vol. XLII, No. 3 “A Quarterly Review of Problems Incident to the Education of Negroes”
Civil Rights Selection 1974 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. XLIII, No. 1 “A Howard University Quarterly Review of Issues Incident to the Education of Black People”
Civil Rights Selection 1975 Thompson, Charles H. The Journal of Negro Education, Vol. XLIV, No. 2 “A Howard University Quarterly Review of Issues Incident to the Education of Black People”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2002, 1979 Tiedt, Pamela L.; Tiedt, Iris M. Multicultural Teaching “A Handbook of Activities, Information, and Resources”
Civil Rights Selection 1969 Turner, Mary We, Too, Belong “An Anthology About Minorities In America”
Civil Rights Biography 2002, 2001 Bundles, A'Lelia On Her Own Ground “The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker”
Civil Rights Sociology 2007, 2004 Walker, Samuel; Spohn, Cassia; DeLone, Meriam The Color of Justice “Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 2016 Ward, Jesmyn The Fire This Time “A New Generation Speaks about Race”
Civil Rights Sociology 1971 Ward, Martha Coonfield Them Children “A Study in Language Learning”
Civil Rights Sociology 2015 Watkins, D. The Beast Side “Living And Dying While Black In America”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1966 Watts, Harold W. Institute For Research On Poverty “the nature and causes of poverty and means to combat it”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1973 Weaver, Thomas The Minority Experience In Anthropology “Report Of The Committee On Minorities And Anthropology”
Civil Rights Selection 1969 Weaver, Thomas and Alvin Magid Poverty “New Interdisciplinary Perspectives”
Civil Rights Sociology 1971, 1970 Willhelm, Sidney M. Who Needs The Negro? “slavery came into being for economic reasons, and racism came into being to rationalize the enslavement of blacks”
Civil Rights Non-Fiction 1967 Williams, Frederick; Naremore, Rita C. Language And Poverty: An Annotated Bibliography Institute For Research On Poverty
Civil Rights History 1987 Williams, Juan Eyes on the Prize “America's Civil Rights Years, 1954-1965”
Civil Rights Autobiography 1999, 1991 Williams, Patricia J. the Alchemy of Race and Rights Lawyer and ancestor of slaves “reflects on the intersection of race, gender, and class”
Civil Rights Sociology 2003 Wood, Peter Diversity “The Invention of a Concept”

Inventory (without Meditation Room books)

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